• Fackfí¶rbund i blockad mot Israel

    Publicerat 2010-06-02 19:29 Svenska Hamnarbetarfí¶rbundet gí¥r ut i blockad mot alla israeliska fartyg och gods till och frí¥n Israel. Orsaken í¤r Israels angrepp mot fartygen i Ship to Gaza som krí¤vde nio dí¶dsoffer och uppemot 30 skadade. – Det hí¤r í¤r ví¥rt stí¤llningstagande. Vi vill att de som í¤r ansvariga stí¤lls infí¶r rí¤tta och att […]

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  • Are Teams Right to Refuse to Play Israel?

    Dave Zirin June 2, 2010 “[We are] saddened by the mixture of politics and sports.” So said a spokesperson for the Israeli Football Association in response to Monday”s news that the Turkish U-19 (under 19) soccer team canceled its match in Israel. Turkey”s team made the move following the Israeli Navy”s attack on the Gaza […]

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  • Rachel Would be Proud

    We received the following press release from student activists in Washington. They announced that Evergreen State College students overwhelmingly voted to divest from Israel. Rachel Corrie was a senior at the college when the Israeli army took her life with a Caterpillar bulldozer, as she stood in front of a Palestinian home they wanted to […]

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  • Joan Armatrading and her Lack of Conscience

    The Israel Palestine conflict is a convoluted situation, entrenched by years of reinforcement, but this is a problem that we know can be solved. In apartheid South Africa, many people worked hard to put an end to a situation that looked hopelessly unendable, but it took two men to make that final and defining step […]

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  • Get on the boat

    Toufic Haddad, a Palestinian-American writer and researcher based in Jerusalem and author of Between the Lines: Israel, the Palestinians, and the U.S. “War on Terror”, calls for a renewed commitment to the struggle to stop Israel’s war on the Palestinians. June 1, 2010 AS I write these lines, BBC Arabic language radio is reporting that […]

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  • Boikott Histadrut

    Torgny Hasí¥s, LO-Aktuelt – Ní¥ er det pí¥ tide í¥ boikotte Israel, ogsí¥ bryte kontakten med israelsk fagbevegelse, Histadrut, mener faglig sekretí¦r i SV, Jan Olav Andersen som ogsí¥ er leder av forhandlingsavdelingen i EL & IT Forbundet. Andersens reaksjon kommer som en reaksjon pí¥ vedtaket om at LOs ledelsens blant annet skal besí¸ke Israel […]

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  • Emergency BDS Day of Action – June 5th, 2010

    Call for Action by the Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC) 1 June 2010 Palestinian civil society calls for intensifying boycott and sanctions as Israel massacres humanitarian relief workers and international solidarity activists Occupied Palestine, 1 June 2010 – The Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC) strongly condemns last night”s fatal attack by the […]

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  • Hebrew University Provides Contradictory Information Concerning Decision to Remove Judge Goldstone from its Board of Governors

    In response to an enquiry by the Alternative Information Center (AIC) about its reported removal of Judge Richard Goldstone from the Board of Governors, Hebrew University of Jerusalem responded by email that: “The Hebrew University of Jerusalem revises from time to time its membership roles on its Board of Governors. It recently has been decided […]

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  • Black America, Corporate Media and the Siege of Gaza

    by BAR managing editor Bruce A. Dixon This weekend, heavily armed Israeli military forces intercepted a flotilla bearing relief supplies for Gaza in international waters. The intention of the crew and passengers, who hail from more than a dozen countries and include a number of Israeli Jews, was to run the more than three year […]

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