• Send a letter to H&M!

    Let H&M know what you think! Customers are in a powerful position to influence the decision of H&M to establish in Israel. By sending H&M a letter in an email or printed version you can make a difference for the Palestinian people! For a letter in English, click here For a letter in Swedish, click […]

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  • Take Action: On Land Day, Support Nonviolent Global Resistance to Occupation & Apartheid

    The second annual International BDS Day of Action is right around the corner. Are you ready? March 30th has been known as Palestinian Land Day since 1976, when the Israeli military shot and killed six young Palestinian citizens of Israel as they were protesting the confiscation of their land. In the wake of last year”s […]

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  • Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Urged Against Israel

    On Monday, March 22, 2010, activists from Code Pink, a peace and justice group, staged a demonstration in front of the Washington, D.C. Convention Center. Their purpose: Protesting AIPAC! One of the speakers at the event was Mai Abdul-Rahman. She is with the Washington Interfaith Alliance for Middle East Peace (WIAMEP). She urged “a boycott, […]

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  • Actions across the UK for BDS Day of Action

    Saturday 27 March – Fortnightly London demonstration will take place outside Ahava in Covent Garden, 39 monmouth Street, London, WC2H 9DD this SATURDAY 27 MARCH from 12pm to 2pm. Ahava sells produce from illegal settlements in the West Bank. The demonstration has been called by people from different London Palestine solidarity groups.Please forward widely, bring […]

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  • Urgent Plea from UC Berkeley Students for Justice in Palestine: Support Divestment

    From UC Berkeley Students for Justice in Palestine: Thank you so much to all of the people who joined us on Wednesday night to support the ASUC bill urging divestment from companies that directly fund Israel’s illegal occupation and war crimes (General Electric and United Technologies), and to all who sent letters in support of […]

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  • BDS actions in Ireland announced

    March 27th: On Saturday 27th March the Dublin IPSC”s monthly Boycott & Divestment action will focus on Veolia (the operators of the LUAS tram line and several waste management projects) who are complicit in the building of a colonial-settler only light rail system in occupied East Jerusalem and who operate an Israeli landfill in the […]

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  • The BNC Applauds the University of Michigan-Dearborn Student Government for its Decision to Promote Divestment

    Palestine, 24 March 2010 – The Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC) congratulates the student government of the University of Michigan-Dearborn – an institution with 8,600 enrolled students in metropolitan Detroit – for its efforts to secure the university”s divestment from companies that support the illegal Israeli occupation and oppression of the Palestinian […]

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  • West-Eastern Divan Orchestra: Undermining Palestinian Civil Resistance and Violating Palestinian Cultural Boycott Guidelines

    PACBI | 23 March 2010 Occupied Ramallah, 23 March 2010 — A recent article criticizing PACBI’s position on the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra (WEDO) [1] is based on false premises, misunderstanding and/or misrepresentation of PACBI’s boycott criteria, and a misconception of the recent history of civil resistance in Palestine. Since the article insinuates that PACBI’s position […]

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  • Mideast peace effort is a charade

    By Ali Abunimah, Special to CNN March 23, 2010 — Updated 1646 GMT (0046 HKT) Editor’s note: Ali Abunimah is the author of “One Country: A Bold Proposal to End the Israeli-Palestinian Impasse,” and is a frequent speaker and commentator on the Middle East. (CNN) — Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s Monday speech to America’s […]

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