Activists push for ban of Israeli products at Sacramento Co-op
The following article was published at the Sacramento Bee on July 7, 2011: By Ryan Lillis With all the fury of a spicy vegan sausage, a bitter squabble has broken out at the normally tranquil Sacramento Natural Foods Co-op. Along with accusations of a rogue board of directors turning its back on the core values […]
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Take Action and Watch Flashmob Video: WeDivest flashmobs in Times Square; sings: TIAA-CREF, time to divest from Occupation!
Watch our flashmob video: Take action! Sign the petition asking TIAA-CREF to divest from the Israeli Occupation: http://bit.ly/BDStcref Tell TIAA-CREF (@TC_Talks) that socially responsible investment cannot include the funding of weapons and weaponized bulldozers! TIAA-CREF invests in companies known to provide supplies and services to help maintain Israeli occupation, including Caterpillar, Elbit Systems, Northrop Grumman, Motorola […]
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New PACBI Statement: On BDS Bashers and their Search for Fig Leaves
The following statement was issued by the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel: In the context of applying the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement”s guidelines for the international academic and cultural boycott of Israel, PACBI sometimes faces scenarios where boycott bashers attempt to redeem their conscience, and with it some […]
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Slavoj Zizek honors BDS guidelines in visit to Palestine
Slavoj Zizek’s representatives issued the following press release, published on Mondoweiss: World-renowned philosopher, Slavoj Zizek of Slovenia, had yesterday concluded a week-long visit to the region. During his week’s visit, Zizek delivered a three-day seminar in Ramallah on the topic of Cinema and Politics, along with celebrated film producer and Focus Features CEO, James Schamus. […]
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Jello Biafra cancels gig in Tel Aviv
The following report, by Nora Barrows-Friedman, was published on the Electronic Intifada: After weeks of sustained protest and outcry from punk rock supporters, Palestinian solidarity activists, and boycott campaigners, punk rock icon Jello Biafra has agreed to cancel his upcoming show in Tel Aviv, planned for next week. Biafra had announced his decision to play the […]
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101 Organizations Thank Kareem Abdul-Jabbar for Slam-Dunking Israeli Apartheid
USACBI is a signatory of the letter to Kareen Abdul-Jabbar. Follow this link to sign on. MEDIA CONTACT: Anna Baltzer, organizer@endtheoccupation.org, 202-332-0994 The Jerusalem Film Festival foreign office has confirmed that legendary basketball star and actor Kareem Abdul-Jabbar reversed plans to visit Israel due to concerns arising “after the Nakba Day violence.” Abdul-Jabbar was slated […]
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Letter to Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: Thank you
USACBI is a signatory of this letter below. Follow this link to sign the letter! June 29, 2011 Dear Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, We are writing to commend you for your principled decision not to attend the Jerusalem Film Festival in response to “concern over the Nakba Day violence,” as indicated by the festival”s foreign office. Indeed, […]
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Petition from Gaza: Break the Siege; Support Freedom Flotilla II
Besieged Gaza, Occupied Palestine 28.6.2011 We Palestinians of Gaza want to live at liberty to meet Palestinian friends or family from Tulkarm, Jerusalem or Nazareth; we want to have the right to travel and move freely. We want to live without fear of another bombing campaign that leaves hundreds of our children dead and many […]
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Anti-Boycott Bill in Israeli Knesset
The following translation of the Anti-BDS Bill in the Israeli Knesset was provided by the Association for Civil Rights in Israel: Proposed Bill to Prevent Harm to the State of Israel by Means of Boycott, 27 June 2011 Definition: 1. In this bill, “a boycott against the State of Israel” – deliberately avoiding economic, cultural […]
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Kauanui: Siege Against Gaza: Support the Freedom Flotilla!
The following article, by USACBI Advisory Board Member J KÄ“haulani Kauanui, was published on June 25, 2011 by Indian Country Today Media Network: Siege Against Gaza; Support the Freedom Flotilla! By J KÄ“haulani Kauanui This week, nearly 40 passengers (unarmed peace activists and media people) will board The Audacity of Hope, a U.S. flagged boat, which will set […]
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