April 6, Online Event: Weaponizing Anti-Semitism: IHRA and the End of the Palestine Exception
Weaponizing Anti-Semitism: IHRA and the End of the Palestine Exception Tuesday, April 6 12 Noon Eastern/9 am Pacific Register to join on Zoom: https://bit.ly/noihraevent Facebook Live: https://facebook.com/usacbi Join the US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel for an informative webinar on the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) “working definition” of anti-Semitism […]
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Sign on: Pledge that Palestine is a Feminist Issue
The US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (USACBI) strongly supports the following statement issued by the Palestinian Feminist Collective. In honor of International Women’s Month, the Palestinian Feminist Collective calls on all people of conscience to pledge their commitment that Palestine is a Feminist Issue. SIGN THE PLEDGE This Women’s History […]
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Roger Waters joins 700+ organizations, artists and individuals to urge: Stevie Wonder, say no to Israeli apartheid!
Famed musician Roger Waters of Pink Floyd issued a video appeal to Stevie Wonder, urging him to reject the Israeli Wolf Prize and say no to Israeli apartheid: .@steviewonder, with respect, you turned down Haim Saban’s IDF fundraiser in 2012. Please turn down Israel’s @WolfPrize_ in 2021. LoveR.https://t.co/VXS3pWP2X9 pic.twitter.com/KTeFk5ePck — Roger Waters (@rogerwaters) March 9, […]
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Drs. Fauci, Wailoo, Park, June and Rosenberg: Say No to Israel’s Medical Apartheid – Reject the Dan David Prize
Dear Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Keith Wailoo, Dr. Katharine Park, Dr. Carl June and Dr. Steven Rosenberg, We write on behalf of the US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel to urge you to reject the Dan David Prize, awarded by the Dan David Foundation and located at Tel Aviv University (TAU) […]
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USACBI stands in solidarity with Dr. Cornel West
The US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (USACBI) writes to condemn Harvard University’s denial of tenure to Dr. Cornel West. We also write to express our solidarity with Dr. West, one of the world’s leading public intellectuals and, we are proud to say, a member of the USACBI Advisory Board. The […]
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Stevie Wonder Please Say No to Apartheid Israel: An Open Letter
Dear Stevie Wonder: Along with the undersigned, the Organizing Collective for the US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (USACBI) writes to urge you to hold strong to your opposition to Apartheid by declining Israel’s Wolf Prize. We’d like to begin with our acknowledgement and thanks for your past thoughtful and steadfast […]
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January 23, Online Event: Liberation vs Dependency: Strategies to Defeat Neoliberalism and Colonialism in Algeria, South Africa, and Palestine
Saturday, January 23, 2021 11 am Pacific/2 pm Eastern/7 pm GMT/9 pm Palestine time Online event, register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAodu6qpjoqHNBKRNG0ucrF4kqmcdOUMYbl Neoliberalism is sold, and adopted, as the most viable model of development while playing a central counter-revolutionary role in societies still engaging decolonization. Neoliberal policies have advanced colonial projects by protecting models of accumulation through dispossession […]
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January 23, Online event: Palestine, Antisemitism and Academic Freedom
The following event is being organized by our colleagues at BRICUP, the British Committee for the Universities of Palestine. We invite you to join: Palestine, Antisemitism and Academic Freedom How to Resist the IHRA Definition 1030 – 1315 (British time), Saturday, 23rd January 2021 (2:30 am – 5:15 am Pacific, 5:30 am – 8:15 am […]
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Joint Statement: Solidarity with Palestine Antikolonial in Münster, Germany
The US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel is committed to supporting Palestinian and Palestine solidarity organizations targeted for repression in the U.S. and around the world. Campuses are a particularly powerful site of mobilization in support of Palestinian rights and have also become targets of repression. We joined the following international […]
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Support Palestinian rights on campus and the academic boycott of Israel this #GivingTuesday
Dear endorsers and friends of the US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel, USACBI has been organizing for over 10 years to advocate for the academic and cultural boycott of Israel in defense of Palestinian rights and in support of Palestinian liberation. Responding to the call of Palestinian academics and cultural workers, […]
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