Jerusalem’s Train to Nowhere
The construction project that is just another dead end for Israelis and Palestinians. BY RACHEL SHABI | NOVEMBER 12, 2009 Query Jerusalem residents about their new railway and the most common response is: Don’t ask. Then locals will proceed to tell you all about it anyway: a long litany of complaints over the snarled-up roads, […]
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Delusional Self-Defense, Delusional Congressional Vote
By Jimmy Leas and Noura Erakat The 344-36 House vote last week condemning the Goldstone Report, which encourages Israel and Hamas to conduct “credible” independent investigations of war crimes committed in Gaza, may help Israeli leaders avoid prosecution in the short-term. However, the House vote and the negative US votes at the UN will have […]
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BDS: Hitting Israel where it hurts – its economy.
Adbusters | 09 Nov 2009 The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign was launched in July 2005 by the Palestinian BDS National Committee and is endorsed by over 170 Palestinian organizations from the occupied Palestinian Territories, from Palestinian citizens of Israel and from the vast diaspora of Palestinian emigrants and refugees. The campaign calls upon […]
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Israeli Jews and the one-state solution
Ali Abunimah, The Electronic Intifada, 10 November 2009 Anyone who rejects the two-state solution, won’t bring a one-state solution. They will instead bring one war, not one state. A bloody war with no end. — Israeli President Shimon Peres, 7 November 2009. One of the most commonly voiced objections to a one-state solution for Palestine/Israel […]
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BDS – Yes We Can
By Britain Eakin for MIFTAH I have been struggling since I arrived in Palestine to find hope here, particularly in light of the recent Goldstone debacle. However, on October 9, 2009 something happened that set a process into motion whereby a spark of hope was reignited within me. As I made myself a cup of […]
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Dump Israel Bonds
Letter Sent to the CT AFL-CIO September 5, 2009 To the Connecticut AFL-CIO Executive Board and AFL-CIO Convention: We are a group of CT unionists, workers, community leaders and concerned citizens who are distressed that the Connecticut AFL-CIO continues to own $25,000 worth of Israel bonds. The government of Israel is notorious worldwide for its […]
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Yes to Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Against Israel: An Answer to Uri Avnery
Michael Warschawski [Alternative Information Center] 8 October 2009 – The call for BDS–Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions–has finally reached Israeli public opinion. The decision of Norway to divest from Israeli corporations involved in settlement building made the difference, and provided the first big success to that important campaign. After having ignored the BDS campaign for several years, […]
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Boycotts Go Back to School!
This fall, as college students return to campus, the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, in partnership with Hampshire College Students for Justice in Palestine, is organizing a five-city boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) tour across the country. Ever since the dynamic student organizers at Hampshire got their university to divest from corporations supporting […]
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Announcing the 2009 Campus Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions Conference at Hampshire College
National Campus Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions Conference endorsed by the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic & Cultural Boycott of Israel What & Where: This fall from November 20th through the 22nd, students, faculty, and staff from around the country who are engaged in Palestine solidarity activism will converge for a conference on campus Boycott, Divestment, and […]
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US Campaign’s longstanding endorsement of the boycott call
David Wildman and Amie Fishman, The Electronic Intifada, 21 September 2009 Thanks to Nada Elia for her article “A Turning Point in the US Solidarity Movement” (16 September 2009) and for her important role in cogently laying out the rationale for engaging in cultural and academic boycotts of Israeli institutions during the 8th Annual National […]
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