• Students are revolting: The spirit of ’68 is reawakening

    Campus sit-ins began as a response to the Gaza attacks, but unrest is already spilling over to other issues. Emily Dugan reports Sunday, 8 February 2009 They are the iPod generation of students: politically apathetic, absorbed by selfish consumerism, dedicated to a few years of hedonism before they land a lucrative job in the City. […]

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  • Students begin the 23rd university occupation in Britain in the past 3 weeks

    First Press Release At 2pm this afternoon over 50 students at the University of Glasgow went into occupation to protest against the current siege of Gaza, in solidarity with the Palestinians, and against the involvement of arms manufacturers at our university. After weeks of campaigning, we presented the Principal with a set of demands (following […]

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  • Rochester’s show of solidarity with Gaza

    Kyle Brown reports from a campus occupation at the University of Rochester. February 9, 2009 STUDENTS AT the University of Rochester (UR) and their supporters from the community occupied a campus building February 6 in solidarity with the victims of Israel’s siege of Gaza–and in a matter of half a day declared victory after winning […]

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  • University agrees to cancel Israeli water contract after sit-in

    Published Date: 06 February 2009 By CRAIG BROWN A STUDENT sit-in at a Scottish university ended peacefully last night, after the university authorities agreed to cancel their contract with an Israeli water company. The 40 students, led by the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign, occupied the foyer of Strathclyde University’s McCance building, to demand that it […]

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  • U of R Students to Occupy Academic Building for Peace and in Solidarity with Gaza

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE University of Rochester Students for a Democratic Society (UR-SDS) University of Rochester Rochester, NY 14627 Rochester, NY – 02/05/09– Students from the University of Rochester and members of the local Rochester community will be occupying an academic building on campus tomorrow for peace and in solidarity with the people Gaza and in […]

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  • Challenging Zionism at UT

    By Zachary Lown | February 6, 2009 AUSTIN, Texas–Supporters of Palestinian rights organized a counter-protest to stand up to a misnamed “peace rally” called by Texans for Israel (TFI)–and the success of the show of solidarity for Palestine is spurring more activism. The pro-Israel demonstration was called for the University of Texas’ West Mall in […]

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  • The University of Manchester Occupation in solidarity with Gaza

    For info on Strathclyde, see http://pulsemedia.org/2009/02/04/strathclyde-university-occupied-by-students/ For information on the forcible removal of student protestors at Nottingham, see http://occupationnottingham.wordpress.com/ http://manunioccupation.wordpress.com/ Manc Uni | 04.02.2009 17:52 | Anti-militarism | Education | Palestine | Manchester Over 150 University of Manchester students have occupied the main university administration building in a demand for a stronger and more proactive […]

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  • Israeli Academic Institutes Join the Iron Fist Policy

    Hundreds of Special Forces Brutally Suppress a Demonstration by Arab Students in Haifa University NDA Press Release 12.01.2009 Twelve students were arrested and many more assaulted and injured, one of whom hospitalized, during a demonstration arranged by the Arab students of Haifa University against the Gaza massacre. The University administration called for the interference of […]

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  • Israeli Apartheid Week 2009 may be coming to a campus near you

    Jan 29, 2009 22:56 | Updated Jan 30, 2009 8:45 | Jerusalem Post Israeli Apartheid Week will take place on March 1-8 on college campuses in 27 cities internationally, in what has become a growing phenomenon since the annual event was started in 2005. Although the schedule for this year’s version has not yet been […]

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  • Storm of student protest over Gaza gathers force

    Sit-ins at 16 universities spell return to radicalism, fuelled by social networking and blogs Anthea Lipsett & Alison Benjamin guardian.co.uk, Friday 23 January 2009 17.33 GMT A group of 15 students are sitting at the back of the lecture theatre. Some are wearing scarves associated with the Palestinian movement, others hold the Palestinian flag. They […]

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