• Fraudulent Aldi are selling Israeli grapefruit labeled: “Produce of Cyprus”

    Monday March 16, 2009 15:16 by DunloT – Free Palestine Campaign Cypriot Embassy orders Aldi to remove all references to Cyprus on the produce they misleadingly sell For the past number of weeks, disreputable Aldi have been fraudently selling Israeli ruby red grapefruit labeled; Produce of Cyprus and this offence is being currently investigated by […]

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  • Cesar Chavez Day and Global Israeli Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Action Day

    From la Frontera to Gaza: Chicano-Palestinian Connections Monday March 30 2009 12.00-3.30 pm Taper Hall of the Humanities (THH) 101 Free and open to the public During the Israeli offensive on Gaza, it was often asked, “What if a terrorist group were lobbing rockets into San Diego out of Tijuana?” The analogy was tendentious and […]

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  • Report: UK economic links with Israeli settlements

    Report, Profundo, 18 March 2009 The following is the edited summary of the research paper, “UK economic links with Israeli settlements in occupied Palestinian territory.” The paper was prepared for the Sir Joseph Hotung Programme for Law, Human Rights and Peace Building in the Middle East, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London […]

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  • Ann Arbor call for BDS at People’s Food Coop

    Public Commentary Henry Herskovitz: Herskovitz noted that the day marked the sixth anniversary of the death in Rafah of Rachel Corrie, an American citizen, who on March 16, 2003 was crushed by bulldozer (manufactured in the U.S.) driven by a soldier-driver with the Israeli military. Herskovitz described her death as a “murder.” He said that […]

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  • MSA submits boycott call to ASI

    Randi Johns Published: Thursday, March 19, 2009 Updated: Friday, March 20, 2009 Associated Students Inc. listened to the first reading, as well as passionate public comments, of a new resolution regarding the Gaza Strip at Wednesday”s ASI Senate meeting. The Muslim Student Association (MSA) brought to the senate a resolution calling for an end to […]

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  • Responding to the call to protest apartheid

    Comment: Mike Marqusee An action by South African dockworkers is one of the most important in the growing international solidarity movement against Israeli apartheid, writes Mike Marqusee. March 17, 2009 SOMETHING SPECIAL took place in Durban last month when dockworkers, members of the South African Transport and Allied Workers Union (SATAWU), refused to unload a […]

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  • Who Said Nearly 50 Years Ago that Israel was an Apartheid State?

    Mandela: ‘We South Africans cannot feel free until the Palestinians are free.’ By Ronnie Kasrils At the onset of international ‘Israel Apartheid Week’ in solidarity with the embattled Palestinian people, I want to start by quoting a South African who emphatically stated as far back as 1963 that “Israel is an apartheid state.” Those were […]

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  • Our South Africa Moment Has Arrived

    ‘This criminal impunity (was) the main motivation behind the Palestinian BDS campaign.’ By Omar Barghouti Introduction As Israel shifts steadily to the fanatic, racist right, as the latest parliamentary election results have shown, Palestinians under its control are increasingly being brutalized by its escalating colonial and apartheid policies, designed to push them out of their […]

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  • Ronnie Kasrils on Crossing the Line

    This week on Crossing The Line: There has been a constant refrain that what is currently happening with Israeli policy towards Palestinians mirrors that of the White South African government towards Blacks. But what are the similarities and is this a fair comparison? South African activist and former member of the Mandela government Ronnie Kasrils […]

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  • To Boycott or Not to Boycott, That Is the Question

    Editor’s Note: This anti-boycott editorial by Stanley Fish is posted below, in part to elicit further comments and responses to his article in The New York Times and in part to highlight the eloquent response of David Lloyd, a member of our Organizing Committee. Stanley Fish| March 15, 2009, 10:00 pm | The New York […]

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