Just the beginning: Ahava London shut down on the weekend
In response to a call for action from the popular committee of Bi”lin village in Palestine, on Saturday the 13th of March, over 30 people from different Palestine solidarity groups (including ISM London) turned up for the first fortnightly demonstration outside Ahava in Covent Garden, central London. Ahava is an Israeli cosmetics company based in […]
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Israel’s apartheid: Making Palestinians pay for Hitler’s crimes
By Suzanne Weiss This speech was given by Suzanne Weiss on March 2, 2010, to a meeting of students at the University of Waterloo in Canada, held as part of the Israeli Apartheid Week. Suzanne Weiss, a holocaust survivor, is a member of Not in Our Name: Jewish Voices Against Zionism and of the Coalition […]
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Israel’s Reut Institute removes “sabotage” and “attack” language to hide its true intentions
Israel’s leading think tank the Reut Institute recently recommended that Israel’s government and intelligence agencies “sabotage” and “attack” peace and justice groups around the world that have been critical of Israel, as EI reported in February. Reut was obviously embarassed by the wide exposure its underhand, and possibly illegal recommendations generated, so it has cleaned […]
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Reut Institute report author lies about Naomi Klein
Let”s review shall we? Reporters questioned the Reut Institute about their use of the terms “sabotage” and “attack” in a set of recommendations for how the Israeli government should respond to human rights group who said things they consider a threat. In response, Reut didn”t say, “We were misunderstood and we reject violence of any […]
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Is Israel an Apartheid State?
Download: Is Israel an Apartheid State? (pdf, 5.57 MB) Do Israel”s practices in occupied Palestinian territory, namely the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza, amount to the crimes of colonialism and apartheid under international law? Summary of a legal study by Human Sciences Research Center of South Africa. Summary written by Frances H. ReMillard. Rhetoric […]
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H&M Whitewashing Israel’s Colonization of Jerusalem, BDS National Committee calls for Boycotting H&M!
Occupied Palestine, March 16th – The Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC) calls for international protests leading to a boycott of Swedish fashion giant H&M, particularly in the Arab World, in response to its opening of its second store in Israel, this time in the “Malha Mall” in Jerusalem, at a time when […]
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A Vote for Israel’s Accession to the OECD is a Vote in Support of Israel’s War Crimes and Other Grave Violations of International Law
Palestinian civil society urges the peoples and governments of OECD member states to defer Israel’s OECD accession until it respects international law and the human rights of the Palestinian people and shows commitment to the fundamental values shared by OECD members. BNC, Palestine, 15 March 2010 – The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) […]
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BNC welcomes landmark EU court ruling, calls for intensifying grassroots BDS
Palestine- 15 March: The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Campaign National Committee (BNC) welcomes the long overdue ruling by the Court of Justice of the European Union that Israeli products originating from Israel’s colonial settlements built on Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) do not qualify for preferential customs treatment under the EC-Israel trade agreement[1]. According to the […]
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Boycott or censorship?
Sami Hermez, The Electronic Intifada, 15 March 2010 On 5 March 2010, the Israeli daily Haaretz reported that producer Shuki Weiss, who has been involved in producing many of the Israeli concerts headlined by international stars in recent years, has attacked human rights activists for calling on the Pixies to cancel their 9 June concert […]
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European groups: Boycott H&M over Israel stores
11 March 2010 [YNET] – As fashion chain opens its first store in Tel Aviv, Swedish pro-Palestinian organizations urge company to delay opening of its additional stores until Jewish state ‘respects international law’ Swedish fashion chain H&M opened its first store in Israel on Thursday morning, but not everyone seems to be happy about it. […]
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