• Berlin Campaign for the Academic Boycott of Israel

    We believe – in accordance with the United Nations and other institutions of the International community – that an unlawful occupation and repression of the Palestinian people in Palestine-Israel is taking place. In line with this assessment, our conviction is that it is the legitimate right of an international civil society to use boycott as […]

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  • BDS Report back from Egypt

    Yesterday July 9th 2010, the global BDS day of action, Egyptian and international activists gathered at Nasr city in Cairo. Getting ready with their banners and flags and statements. They marched over to Starbucks cáfe, while two had already been inside distributing Boycott statements to all customers, protestors gathered in front of the cafe and […]

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  • Statement by Faculty for Palestine and College and University Workers Union

    July 9, 2010 Time for Action: A Response to Israeli Violations of International Law, issued on the 5th Anniversary of the Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign A Joint Statement of the BDS working group of Faculty for Palestine (F4P, Toronto) and College and University Workers United (CUWU, Montreal) The Israeli attack on a humanitarian […]

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  • Jordanian workers urged not to handle Israeli goods

    Mohammad Ben Hussein, Jordan Times 11 July 2010 AMMAN – The national anti-normalisation committee on Saturday called on labourers across the Kingdom to reject companies that handle Israeli goods. In a letter addressed to the General Federation of Jordanian Trade Unions (GFJTU) released yesterday, the committee urged workers to reject any ships or airplanes carrying […]

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  • India chapter formed to campaign against Israel

    Special Correspondent, The Hindu 12 July 2010 NEW DELHI: The India chapter of the international movement to campaign for academic and cultural boycott of Israel has been formed by a group of intellectuals. “Just as it was in the case of the international call against South Africa in the apartheid years, we are confident that […]

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  • “Life for Palestinians in Israel is complicated in every respect”

    Adri Nieuwhof, The Electronic Intifada, 12 July 2010 Basma Fahoum — an activist with the organization Who Profits from the Occupation? — recently sat with The Electronic Intifada contributor Adri Nieuwhof and discussed what it means to be a Palestinian in Israel and her the ongoing efforts for her community to realize their rights. Adri […]

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  • BDS campaign wants Israel to abide by international law

    Boycott Divestment and Sanctions strategy arises from realisation that the occupation will not end unless Israelis understand it has a price o Dr Neve Gordon o The Observer, Sunday 11 July 2010 There is a considerable amount of misunderstanding about Boycott Divestment and Sanctions. BDS is not a principle but a strategy; it is not […]

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  • BDS committee marks 5 years

    Published today (updated) 12/07/2010 21:12 Bethlehem – Ma’an – The Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee marked its fifth year of action Friday, thanking participants around the globe for supporting the initiative. Reiterating its position to support and encourage BDS against Israel “until it complies with international law and Palestinian rights,” the movement saw […]

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  • An Education Witchhunt

    Minister Seeks to Punish Boycott Supporters By JONATHAN COOK Hundreds of Israeli college professors have signed a petition accusing the education minister of endangering academic freedoms after he threatened to “punish” any lecturer or institution that supports a boycott of Israel. The backlash against Gideon Saar, a member of the prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu”s Likud […]

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  • New Yorkers Celebrate Five Successful Years of Palestinian-Led Boycott Movement Against Israel

    Published Today – 09:01 GMT In a joyful celebration of the Palestinian peaceful and creative grassroots resistance, 40 New York human rights activists conducted a musical walking tour of businesses complicit in Israeli Apartheid in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. The “Off-Off-Broadway BDS Tour” was part of the international commemoration of the fifth anniversary […]

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