• Egyptian Journalists Syndicate investigates ‘normalizers’ with Israel

    The Egyptian Journalists Syndicate’s investigation committee decided, at its meeting on Tuesday, to refer Dr. Hala Mustafa, the editor of the Democracy magazine (part of the Al Ahram institution), and Siraj Hussain, the deputy editor of October magazine, to the syndicate’s disciplinary body. The reason the committee stated, is that these two journalists “violated the […]

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  • Supporting the Cultural Boycott from Within

    The Israeli group, BOYCOTT! Supporting the Palestinian BDS call from within, have circulated a call to action, asking Israeli citizens to contact officials at the University of Trondheim, and express their support for a decision in favor of an institutional boycott against Israeli universities. The letter sent by the group itself follows. 8/11/09 Boycott the […]

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  • Delusional Self-Defense, Delusional Congressional Vote

    By Jimmy Leas and Noura Erakat The 344-36 House vote last week condemning the Goldstone Report, which encourages Israel and Hamas to conduct “credible” independent investigations of war crimes committed in Gaza, may help Israeli leaders avoid prosecution in the short-term. However, the House vote and the negative US votes at the UN will have […]

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  • BDS: Hitting Israel where it hurts – its economy.

    Adbusters | 09 Nov 2009 The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign was launched in July 2005 by the Palestinian BDS National Committee and is endorsed by over 170 Palestinian organizations from the occupied Palestinian Territories, from Palestinian citizens of Israel and from the vast diaspora of Palestinian emigrants and refugees. The campaign calls upon […]

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  • British activists kick off week-long boycott against Israeli settlement products

    Saed Bannoura [IMEMC News] 9 November 2009 – As part of the international Boycott-Divestment-Sanctions (BDS) movement, the Palestine Solidarity Campaign in the UK has implemented a week-long boycott against several large supermarket chains in the UK that carry Israeli products. The week-long boycott is targeting the Waitrose and Morrisons supermarket chains, in an attempt to […]

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  • Palestinian Students Open Letter to the Board of Governors of Trondheim University

    We are Arab students at the Israeli universities writing to you in support of the proposed academic boycott of Israeli academic institutions. We believe that the boycott is timely and hopefully will help in upholding moral values of fairness, justice and equality which have been sorely missed in our region. While the reason for the […]

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  • Action Alert: Tell the New York Mets to say no to Hebron’s racist, violent settlers

    Click here to send a letter to the Mets. FROM: Adalah-NY: The Coalition for Justice in the Middle East, American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, Brooklyn For Peace, Coalition of Women for Peace (Israel), CODEPINK Women for Peace, Gush Shalom (Israel), Jews Against the Occupation-NYC, Jews for Racial and Economic Justice, Jews Say No!, Jewish Voice for Peace, […]

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  • Israeli Jews and the one-state solution

    Ali Abunimah, The Electronic Intifada, 10 November 2009 Anyone who rejects the two-state solution, won’t bring a one-state solution. They will instead bring one war, not one state. A bloody war with no end. — Israeli President Shimon Peres, 7 November 2009. One of the most commonly voiced objections to a one-state solution for Palestine/Israel […]

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  • Norwegian minister: Academic boycott of Israel would be illegal

    Last update – 03:29 10/11/2009 By Cnaan Liphshiz, Haaretz Correspondent The University of Trondheim would be in violation of legal principles if its board members vote on Thursday to boycott Israel, Norway’s minister for higher education, Tora Aasland warned on Monday in a television broadcast. If the vote is passes, it would make the Trondheim-based […]

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  • Detentions Leave Palestinian Students in Limbo

    November 8, 2009 By Matthew Kalman Birzeit, West Bank Ashraf Abuiram should have graduated from college long ago, but his life took an unexpected turn. In late 2005, when he was a second-year student pursuing a degree in sociology at Birzeit University, 20 jeeps carrying 100 Israeli soldiers showed up at his home in the […]

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