• A British MP Makes a Case Against AHAVA

    Excerpt from speech by Dr. Phillis Starkey, Minister of Parliament, made on 1/27/10 regarding labeling of Israeli settlement products. This section focuses on AHAVA Dead Sea Laboratories. Full transcript of the day”s debates in Parliament available here. The text below comes from a marginally edited version posted by the U.K. site Jews for Justice in […]

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  • Growing Labor Support for Palestine Faces Stiff Opposition in the U.S.

    Paul Abowd | January 22, 2010 Union members who want to organize U.S. labor support for war-torn Palestine often compare their cause to the battle against apartheid in the 1980s. They point to striking similarities between Israel”s occupation of Palestine and the former South African system: In Israel, Arab citizens face legalized segregation in housing […]

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  • Jerusalem’s first light rail is test case in Palestinian boycott campaign

    By Karin Laub (CP) – 1 day ago JERUSALEM – Jerusalem’s first light rail starts test runs this spring, with its sleek silver cars gliding across the city and promising to relieve the perpetual congestion. But Palestinians see no reason to celebrate. They hope to derail the $1 billion tram because they fear it will […]

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  • BDS and The Britain-Israel Research and Academic Exchange (BIRAX)

    On 17 January 2010, UK Foreign Office Minister Ivan Lewis announced that the British government would be contributing an additional £29,000 (174,000 NIS) to the Britain-Israel Research and Academic Exchange partnership scheme. Launched by British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and then Israeli PM Ehud Olmert on 20 July 2008 at a meeting of the Knesset, […]

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  • Rod Stewart on his way to Israel

    Veteran British singer’s official website reports that Stewart, who already performed in Holy Land at height of his career in 1983, will return on July 1 Or Barnea Will the summer of 2010 manage to overshadow 2009 with an aerial traffic of foreign musicians? The chances are pretty good. Rod Stewart will perform at the […]

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  • Send $300 billion to Detroit, not to Israel

    WRITTEN BY Blaine Coleman Was there any excuse for a bunch of armed European settlers to occupy Palestine? No. Was there any excuse for those armed gangs–now called the “Israel Defense Forces”– to ally themselves with the most racist regimes on Earth, including Apartheid South Africa? No. Was there any excuse for handing $300 billion […]

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  • Santana cancels Tel Aviv concert

    Guitar legend Carlos Santana tonight canceled his summer gig in Tel Aviv, thanks largely to a busy schedule which has meant the reorganizing of a few shows and the canceling of some. Israel was one of the unlucky ones. His management promised a full refund to the many thousands who had already purchased tickets. And […]

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  • Freeze Flashmob to promote Boycott Israel in Dutch supermarket

    It was a busy Thursday night on the 28th of January in the big supermarket Albert Heijn in Utrecht (Holland). A group of Dutch activists surprised the management with a Freeze Flashmob in the middle of the shop. Well, they were not really surprised that something happened, obviously they had been told that something was […]

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  • Israeli Ambassadors: “Economic Investments Are Also Central To National Security and the Political Field”

    Israeli ambassadors identify the promotion of economic relationships at the highest level as a central pillar of their work, which can also assist them in advancing political relations. In a meeting with The Marker, they break their silence about the calls for boycott of goods from Israel, and talk about the struggle against them. Israeli […]

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  • Students Against Israeli Apartheid Launch Divestment Campaign

    SAIA – For the past several months, Students Against Israeli Apartheid – Carleton (SAIA), a student group at Carleton University in Ottawa that is committed to supporting the Palestinian struggle for freedom, has been conducting research on Carleton”s investments in Israeli apartheid. The Carleton Pension Fund currently lacks any ethical guidelines, with its only mandate […]

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