• Veolia tries to spin its involvement in the occupation

    Adri Nieuwhof, The Electronic Intifada, 22 April 2010 By participating in the touring Veolia Wildlife Photographer of the Year Exhibition, the French transnational company Veolia Environnement is attempting to spin its image that has been tarnished by the exposure of its involvement in the Israeli occupation. The UK Palestine Solidarity Campaign used the occasion of […]

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  • Simon Liebling ’12: The right side of history

    By Simon Liebling Opinions Columnist Published: Friday, April 16, 2010 I worry that often lost in the familiar heroic histories of grassroots political movements is the reality that today”s moral consensus on the justice of their causes belies just how unthinkably controversial these movements were back when they were actually being waged. The unanimous agreement […]

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  • GUSA Roundup: Down on divestment, shoutouts for Voice

    Apr 19 2010 Posted by: Galen Weber in News, Vox Populi, tags: Academic Working Groups, Adam Talbot, Ben Bold, Colton Malkerson, Crime, Diversity Requirement, Georgetown Divest!, GUSA, GUSA Roundup, Jackson Perry, Nick Troiano, Safety, Sexual Assault The majority of this week”s meeting of the Georgetown University Student Association Senate was spent considering the arguments of […]

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  • Bill Would Pave the Way to Peace

    By Rick Sterling Special to the Daily Cal Friday, April 23, 2010 As a 21-year veteran UC Berkeley staff member, I was pleased to see the ASUC resolution calling for divestment from companies profiting from war crimes in general and Israeli war crimes in particular. As they debate overturning the veto and restoring the resolution, […]

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  • Berkeley Divestment Bill: A Step in the Right Direction

    By Sumaiya Hashmi | Opinion | April 23, 2010 The UC Berkeley student senate voted 16-4 last month to pass Bill 118: A Bill in Support of ASUC Divestment from War Crimes. The vote followed intense campaigning and hours of deliberation which included testimonies from many on both sides of the issue. It underwent some […]

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  • Jonathan Ben-Artzi: Yes, apartheid

    Jonathan Ben-Artzi Guest columnist Published: Thursday, April 22, 2010 Updated: Thursday, April 22, 2010 In their recent columns, Simon Liebling “12 and Ethan Tobias “12 debated the comparison of the contemporary struggle against the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories and the struggle for divestment from the apartheid state of South Africa in the 1980s […]

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  • How the Wayne State Vote for Total Divestment from Israel has led the way

    From Wayne State, the divestment movement spread to the University of Michigan-Dearborn, to Wisconsin, and to Berkeley.

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  • CRH, Divest Now from Apartheid Israel!

    April 22, 2010 To CRH plc management, Dublin, Ireland We, at BOYCOTT!*, a group of Israeli citizens, strive to stop our government’s human rights and international law violations, which have been facilitated by the cooperation of international companies. Your company has gone to great lengths in getting involved with the Israeli land and resources annexation, […]

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  • Petition to Support Divestment at UC Berkeley

    Every so often, we get a moment when a remarkable future unfolds before our eyes. And when it happens, it’s our responsibility to do everything within our power to help it along. One of those moments is happening right now on the University of California’s Berkeley campus. Berkeley professors and students of every color, religion, […]

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  • Protest: Gil Scott-Heron: Don’t Play apartheid Israel!

    Date: Saturday, April 24, 2010 Time: 6:15pm – 8:30pm Location: outside Royal Festival Hall, Southbank, London Meet at 6.15pm outside Royal Festival Hall, London (to protest as people go into the concert that starts at 7.30pm) Bring banners. placards, flags, drums, etc Gil Scott Heron was part of the United Artists Against Apartheid in the […]

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