• After Gaza, Israel Grapples With Crisis of Isolation

    By ETHAN BRONNER Published: March 18, 2009 JERUSALEM – Israel, whose founding idea was branded as racism by the United Nations General Assembly in 1975 and which faced an Arab boycott for decades, is no stranger to isolation. But in the weeks since its Gaza war, and as it prepares to inaugurate a hawkish right-wing […]

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  • Omar Barghouthi on the cultural boycott of Israel

    A panel discussion with Omar Barghouthi, co-founder of PACBI, in New York on March 9. The panel was part of Israeli apartheid week. The title: “The Art of Resistance: Culture and the Boycott of Israel.” [vodpod id=ExternalVideo.797968&w=425&h=350&fv=] more about "Omar Barghouthi on the cultural boyco…", posted with vodpod

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  • Who Said Nearly 50 Years Ago that Israel was an Apartheid State?

    Mandela: ‘We South Africans cannot feel free until the Palestinians are free.’ By Ronnie Kasrils At the onset of international ‘Israel Apartheid Week’ in solidarity with the embattled Palestinian people, I want to start by quoting a South African who emphatically stated as far back as 1963 that “Israel is an apartheid state.” Those were […]

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  • Our South Africa Moment Has Arrived

    ‘This criminal impunity (was) the main motivation behind the Palestinian BDS campaign.’ By Omar Barghouti Introduction As Israel shifts steadily to the fanatic, racist right, as the latest parliamentary election results have shown, Palestinians under its control are increasingly being brutalized by its escalating colonial and apartheid policies, designed to push them out of their […]

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  • Ronnie Kasrils on Crossing the Line

    This week on Crossing The Line: There has been a constant refrain that what is currently happening with Israeli policy towards Palestinians mirrors that of the White South African government towards Blacks. But what are the similarities and is this a fair comparison? South African activist and former member of the Mandela government Ronnie Kasrils […]

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  • To Boycott or Not to Boycott, That Is the Question

    Editor’s Note: This anti-boycott editorial by Stanley Fish is posted below, in part to elicit further comments and responses to his article in The New York Times and in part to highlight the eloquent response of David Lloyd, a member of our Organizing Committee. Stanley Fish| March 15, 2009, 10:00 pm | The New York […]

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  • Quebec College Federation joins the BDS campaign

    Quebec College Federation | 14 March 2009 The Federation of teachers, Fédération autonome du collégial (FAC)–Quebec College Federation has joined the BDS campaign. English translation (original French follows): 14 March 2009 – the Federal Assembly of the Quebec College Federation (FAC – www.lafac.qc.ca) unanimously adopted (with some abstentions) the following resolutions: That the FAC expresses […]

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  • Israel Review Conference

    “United Against Apartheid, Colonialism and Occupation Dignity & Justice for the Palestinian People” Geneva, 18-19 April 2009 United Against Racism, Dignity & Justice for All – is the slogan of the United Nations’ Durban Review Conference to be held in Geneva between 20 and 24 April 2009. United Against Apartheid, Colonialism and Occupation, Dignity & […]

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  • Canadian filmmaker John Greyson Boycotts Tel Aviv Int’l LGBT Film Festival

    March 7, 2009 TLVFEST / Yair Hochner Tel-Aviv Cinematheque, 2 Sprinzak St, 64738, Tel Aviv, Israel yairho@bezeqint.net Dear Yair: After much wrestling with these difficult issues, I”ve come to a decision: I can”t show Fig Trees in your festival, and I can”t go forward with my proposed film shoot in Israel. This choice has been […]

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