Rahim Barghouti On Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions
NEW YORK — March 7, 2009. (Part 1) Rahim Barghouti, an organizer with Adalah NY, talks about organizing “BDS” in an effort to bring about an end to Israeli style Apartheid. She compares South African Apartheid with Israeli foreign and domestic policies and discusses how the BDS campaign is progressing. Barghouti was speaking at a […]
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French company runs Israeli bus services to settlements
Adri Nieuwhof and Daniel Machover, The Electronic Intifada, 11 March 2009 The international Derail Veolia and Alstom campaign is gaining momentum by coordinating efforts to pressure French transportation giants Veolia and Alstom to withdraw from the Israeli tramway project in Jerusalem that runs illegally on Palestinian land. With its involvement in this project, Veolia is […]
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Who Profits – Corporate Involvement in the Checkpoints
Complicit firms Privatizing Security – Corporate Involvement in the Checkpoints Our March newsletter focuses on companies involved in the Israeli military checkpoints in the occupied West Bank. This is the first in a series of monthly short reports by the Who Profits project, of the Coalition of Women for Peace in Israel. These monthly reports […]
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The Empty Arena
March 9 , 2009 Tennis Without Spectators By FAROOQ SULEHRIA Matches always draw spectators, often generate controversies and sometimes provoke protests. The Davis Cup match Sweden played against Israel last weekend in Malmí¶, a port town south of Sweden, was a match with a difference. It generated lot of controversy, provoked a 10,000-strong demonstration but […]
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Women’s group names Bar Rafaeli ad ‘most sexist of the year’
Haaretz 11/03/2009 By Dana Weiler-Polak, Haaretz Correspondent In honor of International Women’s Day, the Women’s International Zionist Organization (WIZO) named the most sexist ad of the year on Sunday. The dubious honor of first place went to an Eden Springs commercial featuring model Bar Refaeli, under the heading “the bar you always wanted at home.” […]
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Action Alert – Labelling goods from illegal settlements
ACTION ALERT Decisions soon to be taken on the supermarket labelling of goods from illegal Israeli West Bank settlements Write to Hilary Benn TODAY Lawyers from the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, the Food Standards Agency (Minister- Hilary Benn) and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (Minister- David Miliband) are right now drafting new […]
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Anti-Israel protest turns violent
Anti-Israel protesters have clashed with police outside a Davis cup match played in Malmo in southern Sweden. The game between Sweden and Israel is being played without an audience because the police could not guarantee the security of the players. About 100 masked protesters tried to storm the arena in Malmo on Saturday afternoon, throwing […]
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Manchester protests against Israeli Science Day
‘It was a load of bull. I came because I thought we would learn about biology. But we just got a lecture. It was Israeli propaganda that’s all’, explained Northenden College student Osman who attended Israeli Science Day at Manchester’s Science Museum last week. A group of students sent to the event from Manchester College […]
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Movement spreads to boycott Israel
By Kathy Durkin Published Mar 7, 2009 6:23 AM The Palestinian Unified Call for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel is taking hold and growing in unions, universities and among political forces on many continents. A worldwide focus is organizing for March 30–Global Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Action Day–when progressive forces are being asked […]
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Histadrut: Israel’s racist “trade union”
Tony Greenstein, The Electronic Intifada, 10 March 2009 Histadrut has always been a strange creature. In most countries one joins a trade union which is affiliated to a national trade union federation. In Israel one first joins Histadrut and then one is allocated to a union. It is only outside Israel that Histadrut is seen […]
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