Open Letter of Musicians in Opposition to the IPO at Proms
The following letter was published in the Independent, submitted by musicians decrying the BBC’s decision to invite the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra to participate in BBC Proms. The concert was later disrupted: As musicians we are dismayed that the BBC has invited the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra to play at the Proms on 1 September. The IPO […]
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USACBI expresses support for Canadian community radio’s BDS Resolution
USACBI sent the following letter to Catherine Fisher, president of the National Campus and Community Radio Association in Canada, following the NCRA’s passage of a BDS resolution on June 10, 2011 calling for community radio stations to uphold the cultural boycott of Israel. For more information about the NCRA resolution, see here, or this article […]
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Canadian community radio association joins the BDS movement
The National Campus and Community Radio Association (NCRA), an organization representing 82 radio stations from every corner of Canada, adopted a motion at its annual general meeting on June 10, 2011, in the city of Halifax to endorse the call for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (or BDS) against Israeli apartheid. In doing so, the NCRA […]
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Tuba Skinny cancels show at jazz festival in Israel
Published in the Electronic Intifada on August 20, 2011: Tuba Skinny, a traditional jazz and blues band from New Orleans, planned to perform at the Red Sea Jazz Festival in Eilat, Israel on 21 August. The international campaign “Don”t Play Apartheid Israel,” and the Israeli group “Boycott From Within” approached Tuba Skinny with the request […]
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USACBI Action Alert: Tell Interpol to cancel their Israeli performance!
We are asking BDS supporters to get the word out and tell Interpol, an American post-punk band, to cancel their late August performance in Israel! Tweet your BDS message, post it to their Facebook, http://www.facebook.com/interpol or send them an email (below) Like and post to the Interpol Don’t Play Apartheid Israel Facebook Page Use the sample […]
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Angela Davis supports South African students’ BDS campaign
Professor Angela Davis’ statement to South African students: “The Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions campaign that seeks to expose and isolate Israeli apartheid has garnered support all over the world. Given the role that international boycott strategies played in the defeat of South African apartheid, it is fitting that decisive leadership to the international community has […]
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Boycott from Within call to Pic.Nic Festival Bands: Don’t Entertain Apartheid, Occupation and Racism
Dear Interpol / Jane”s Addiction / Blonde Redhead, We are a group of Israeli citizens who support the Palestinian call for Boycott, Divestment and sanction (BDS) against the state of Israel. [1] Here is some fresh news you might want to know: During the past month, tent cities have sprung up all over the State […]
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BNC Condemns Repression of BDS Activism in Australia
Occupied Palestine, 16 August 2011- The Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC), the broadest Palestinian civil society coalition and the Palestinian leadership of the global boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement, commends human rights and Palestine solidarity organizations across Australia who signed a unity statement reiterating their support for BDS as the most […]
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Samah Sabawi: No Level Playing Field for Palestinian Athletes
From Australians for Palestine: The AFL Peace Team has already arrived in Australia to participate in this year”s AFL International Cup. It is being held up to Australians and the world as demonstrating that Israelis and Palestinians can work together for peace in Israel/Palestine. Samah Sabawi”s article below shows that all is not what it […]
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Lisa Taraki and Mark LeVine: Why Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel?
This article was first published on Al Jazeera English on August 13, 2011. Why boycott Israel? A founding member of the campaign for the academic and cultural boycott outlines the motivation behind the movement. Author and history professor Mark LeVine speaks with sociologist Lisa Taraki, a co-founder of the Palestinian campaign for the Academic and […]
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