Boycott from Within call to Pic.Nic Festival Bands: Don’t Entertain Apartheid, Occupation and Racism

Dear Interpol / Jane”s Addiction / Blonde Redhead,

We are a group of Israeli citizens who support the Palestinian call for Boycott, Divestment and sanction (BDS) against the state of Israel. [1]

Here is some fresh news you might want to know: During the past month, tent cities have sprung up all over the State of Israel. Israeli citizens are protesting against their government’s unfair policies: tax benefits to the rich, lack of public housing, underinvestment in infrastructure, privatization of social services and more.

We, as Israeli citizens, have the privilege to set up a tent city in Tel Aviv. We can vote our government out of office if it fails to meet our demands. However, although there may seem to be a revolutionary uprising in the Israeli public, modeled after the Arab Spring revolutions, one subject is taboo in the tents. Under the call for “unification” in Israeli society, social justice ends with Palestinians. [2] The Palestinian people are denied some of the most elementary freedoms: the freedom of movement, the freedom to access their stolen agricultural land and the freedom to protest without facing life threatening violence: When they demonstrate against the Israeli government, they face brutal treatment .[3] Their relatives in the Gaza strip are by no means luckier, living under constant siege. [4] In the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Silwan, kids are abducted from their houses, in violation of international law, and taken to violent police interrogations. [5]

Israeli propaganda will gladly announce that you are coming to perform in “the only Democracy in the Middle East”, but your Palestinian fans in the Occupied Territories will not even be allowed to come to Tel Aviv and enjoy your performance. Furthermore, the Pic.Nic festival is produced by Shuki Weiss, who has a special relationship with the Israeli establishment. Mr. Weiss attended Knesset meetings [6] which have led to draconian anti-democratic legislation to outlaw boycotts [7], and he sends Israeli politicians VIP tickets to concerts which he produces [8]. This is not just corruption within the system, but corruption that serves to whitewash Israel”s war crimes against the Palestinian people, using international artists such as you.

You have an opportunity to stand with the oppressed. Please don”t play in apartheid Israel, until it complies with international law and ends the occupation over the occupied territories, recognizes full equality for its Palestinian citizens and respects and protects the Palestinian refugee”s right of return to their homes and properties.


BOYCOTT! Supporting the Palestinian BDS Call from Within

[1] BOYCOTT! Supporting the Palestinian BDS Call from Within,
[2] Tahrir Envy: An Anti-Occupation Activist”s First Thoughts on the Tent Protests in Israel,
[3] Let”s stand with Shireen Al-Araj and the courageous people of Al-Walaja
[4] Guardian reporters experience first-hand Israeli efforts to intimidate Gaza fishermen and keep their fishing trips ever closer to shore
[5] Child Arrest in Silwan
[6] News from Chelm: Knesset discusses ways to pressure performers not to cancel concerts in Israel,
(more from that meeting at
[7] European Union expresses concern over Israel’s boycott law
[8] Tourism Minister given ‘illegal gift’ of VIP Madonna tickets,


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