USACBI denounces Trump Executive Order, urges academic action and support for BDS
USACBI unconditionally condemns and calls for the repeal of President Trump”s recent Executive Order (EO) which bans citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States and places an indefinite moratorium on refugees from Syria. The Order is of a piece with the Trump administration”s blatant hostility towards immigrants from Latin America and with […]
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Joint letter in support of our colleague Eleonora Roldán Mendívil
USACBI is a signatory to the following letter issued jointly with BRICUP, AURDIP, BACBI, PACBI and Academics for Palestine, in defense of Eleonora Roldán Mendívil at the Otto Suhr Institute at the Freie Universití¤t Berlin. To support her, you can sign on to the petition organized by German supporters of academic freedom at: https://www.change.org/p/hochschulinitiative-f%C3%BCr-kritische-lehre-f%C3%BCr-eine-offene-diskussion-keine-vorverurteilung-der-lehrbeauftragten-e-rold%C3%A1n-mend%C3%ADvil Another statement in English […]
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“They try to equate Zionism and Judaism” – Interview with Eleonora Roldán Mendívil
The following interview with academic Eleonora Roldán Mendívil is here reprinted, translated from the German original. The original German interview was printed in Die Freiheitsliebe (The Love of Freedom), an anti-racist, anti-militarist and environmentalist web publication. (Die Freiheitsliebe, 17 Jan 2017), https://diefreiheitsliebe.de/politik/sie-versuchen-zionismus-und-judentum-gleichzusetzen-im-gespraech-mit-eleonora-roldan-mendivil/ In this semester, a seminar entitled “Racism in Capitalism” is taking place at […]
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New Social Text Periscope on The Academic Boycott Movement
This special Periscope online issue of Social Text Journal was co-edited by Sunaina Maira, of the Steering Collective of USACBI, and Neferti X. Tadiar, of USACBI’s Advisory Board. The full issue is available here: http://socialtextjournal.org/periscope_topic/the-academic-boycott-movement/ As Maira and Tadiar note, “This periscope brings together political analyses of the academic boycott as a global movement, from different […]
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Sign On Open Letter: Faculty Support for Professor Abdulhadi and Campus Advocates for Justice in/for Palestine at San Francisco State University
The following letter was launched by faculty at San Francisco State University following racist attacks against Professor Rabab Abdulhadi and the General Union of Palestinian Students at SFSU. The letter demands that university administration act to defend faculty and students against racist attacks clearly and unambiguously, as well as to provide much-needed and long-denied institutional […]
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NYRB letter: Public intellectuals declare that “settlement boycott” is not sufficient to defend Palestinian rights
The following statement by over 100 public intellectuals, writers, scholars and artists was published in the most recent issue of the New York Review of Books. The letter comes in response to For an Economic Boycott and Political Nonrecognition of the Israeli Settlements in the Occupied Territories from the October 13, 2016 issue of the NYRB. […]
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California Scholars for Academic Freedom Lay Out Recent History of Assaults on Universities Regarding Academic Freedom, the Right of Free Speech and Dissent
October 5, 2016: CALIFORNIA SCHOLARS FOR ACADEMIC FREEDOM (CS4AF)**, a group of over 200 scholars at twenty California institutions of higher learning, urge a renewed and strong support by university administrators for academic freedom and the right to free speech and dissent in light of an alarming recent history of assaults on academic freedom. On […]
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USACBI statement of solidarity with Purdue advocates for justice in Palestine
The US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel denounces in the strongest terms possible the recent vicious attacks on those at Purdue University advocating for Palestinian rights. As has been reported previously by Palestine Legal and Jewish Voice for Peace, attacks on pro-Palestinian activists have increased on a national scale, with members of […]
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USACBI statement of support for Dr. Rabab Abdulhadi and the SFSU/An-Najah academic partnership
The US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (USACBI) strongly condemns the ongoing attack by AMCHA against one of our founding members, Professor Rabab Abdulhadi, director of the Arab and Muslim Ethnicities and Diaspora (AMED) program at San Francisco State University (SFSU), and faculty mentor for the General Union of Palestine Students (GUPS) at […]
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Letter in support of Prof. Simona Sharoni against harassment and intimidation campaign
The following letter was sent to SUNY Plattsburgh administration by the Campus Defense Coalition for Palestine (CDC4P), which includes USACBI, and allied organizations, in defense of SUNY Professor Simona Sharoni, targeted for harassment and attack for her public support for Palestinian rights and the BDS campaign. For more information on this case and others, please […]
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