• Sign On Today: Statement Condemning the Anti-BDS “Boycott Law” from US Groups

    USACBI encourages all organizations in the Palestine solidarity and social justice movements to endorse the following statement condemning the so-called “Boycott Law” passed by the Israeli Knesset seeking to ban Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions. Please also see the following statements by: The Palestinian Boycott National Committee (BNC) Boycott from Within Sign on Below! On Monday, […]

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  • USACBI: Support Boycott-Israel 19 in Melbourne!

    USACBI supports the Boycott-Israel 19 Defense Campaign in Australia, following upon the police harassment, brutality and arrests against a mass peaceful BDS demonstration in Melbourne. You can sign on at the Defense Campaign”s website, or email boycottisrael19@gmail.com. Video of the police attack:   Stand up for Palestinian human rights! Stand up for civil rights in Victoria! […]

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  • USACBI Twitter Alert: Will you tell Moby to cancel his trip to Israel?

    Will you tell Moby to cancel his trip to Israel? We are asking BDS supporters to get the word out and tell electronica musician Moby to cancel his July 12th performance in Israel! See the letter urging him to respect human rights and respect the call from Palestinian civil society to boycott, divest and sanction […]

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  • Letter to Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: Thank you

    USACBI is a signatory of this letter below. Follow this link to sign the letter! June 29, 2011 Dear Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, We are writing to commend you for your principled decision not to attend the Jerusalem Film Festival in response to “concern over the Nakba Day violence,” as indicated by the festival”s foreign office. Indeed, […]

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  • Kauanui: Siege Against Gaza: Support the Freedom Flotilla!

    The following article, by USACBI Advisory Board Member J KÄ“haulani Kauanui, was published on June 25, 2011 by Indian Country Today Media Network: Siege Against Gaza; Support the Freedom Flotilla! By J KÄ“haulani Kauanui This week, nearly 40 passengers (unarmed peace activists and media people) will board The Audacity of Hope, a U.S. flagged boat, which will set […]

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  • Open Letter to Napalm Death: Playing Israel is Supporting Apartheid

    USACBI endorses the following effort initiated by the Facebook group Napalm Death: Playing In Israel is Supporting Apartheid: People of conscience across the world are asking the metal band Napalm Death to cancel their June 17, 2011 concert in Tel Aviv, Israel. Only 7 days away, and with limited resources, it is amazing that this […]

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  • Kauanui: Letter to IGLYO: No such thing as neutrality.

    USACBI advisory board member J. Kehaulani Kauanui wrote the following letter to the International Gay and Lesbian Youth Organization Board of Directors, in response to the call from Palestinian Queer organizations, demanding IGLYO cancel its General Assembly in Israel in December 2011 and stop participating in Israel’s pinkwashing campaign. Her letter is based on the letter […]

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  • Enrique Iglesias, don’t sing for Israeli apartheid!

    The following letter to Enrique Iglesias, urging him to respect the boycott of Israel, was coordinated by the BDS Group Catalonia. USACBI is a signatory and is distributing the letter, in English and Spanish. Also, please see the Facebook page calling upon Iglesias to boycott apartheid Israel. Enrique Iglesias, don”t sing for the Israeli apartheid! […]

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  • USACBI Appeal to Macy Gray: Don’t legitimize apartheid

    Dear Macy Gray, You report on your Facebook page that you are receiving “a lot of letters from activists urging/begging me to boycott by NOT performing in protest of Apartheid against the Palestinians.” And you say that you “don”t know how my NOT going changes anything.”  The answer is that the cultural boycott of Israel is having […]

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  • Open Letter to Jon Bon Jovi: Don’t Play Apartheid Israel

    http://www.pacbi.org/etemplate.php?id=1442 It is with great disappointment that the undersigned organizations learned of your scheduled performance in Israel set for 2011 as part of your “Circle Tour” [1].  Given that Israel is involved in grave violations of international law and human rights, particularly as indicated in the UN Goldstone Report, we urge you to cancel this gig […]

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