• BDS Tour: Avignon

    A partir du 10 juillet prochain, nous allons sillonner les routes de France et faire étape dans 16 villes, pour sensibiliser la population í  la situation en Palestine, au blocus de Gaza, í  la colonisation galopante, et í  la nécessité d’une réaction citoyenne face í  ces violations du droit international qui nous concernent tous, car […]

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  • Imaging Apartheid – Poster Project for Palestine

    call for submissions: Montreal July 2010 http://imagingapartheid.org/downloads/imagingapartheid_call.pdf As the global movement in solidarity with the Palestinian struggle for liberation continues to grow, we are calling on graphic designers and artists to submit their work to IMAGING APARTHEID: the Poster Project for Palestine. Twenty-one posters will be selected from submissions collected from around the world to […]

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  • To Know Is Not Enough

    http://toknowisnotenough.info [vodpod id=ExternalVideo.962482&w=425&h=350&fv=] To Know Is Not Enough, posted with vodpod a short documentary about the Hampshire College campaign for divestment from the occupation of Palestine. Hampshire is often credited with being the first US college to divest for the occupation, and this video attempts to understand the group and the campaign that made it […]

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  • Interview: “Israel has turned Gaza into the largest concentration camp in history”

    Sunday, 25 July 2010 Interview with Haidar Eid Founding member of the PCACBI (Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel). ____________________________ The world was appalled by the Israeli massacre at the end of 2008 and the beginning of 2009. But then Gaza disappeared from Western news media. What is the situation today […]

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  • (BDS) Yosef Daher, Jerusalem Inter-church Centre: “To resist the sin, to resist the occupation”

    Yosef Daher: “We call our brothers and sisters abroad and the other chuches to go for boycott. Personally and individually, and then convencing the churches, and the churches to convence their governments..” Yosef Daher / Yusef Daher is the coordinator of the Jerusalem Inter-church Centre, a WCC project in Jerusalem Please note in the clip […]

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  • BDS Boycott Divestment and Sanctions Part 5 of 6

    The BDS movement: boycott, divestment and sanctions used to put pressure on Israel to respect the rights of the Palestinian people and to end the occupation, is rapidly growing around the world. This video examines the economic aspects of BDS. How did BDS evolve? Can it be an effective tool against Israel? Could it hurt […]

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  • The Legitimacy of Boycotting as a Tactic

    Straw men and Resisting Oppression by Kim Petersen / August 3rd, 2010 Progressivism values solidarity, and within that solidarity there is respect for diversity. It is expected that there will be differences of opinion on the causes of injustices and solutions to the injustice. What best captures the essence of progressivism is its adherence to […]

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  • BDS Tour: Perigueux

    A partir du 10 juillet prochain, nous allons sillonner les routes de France et faire étape dans 16 villes, pour sensibiliser la population í  la situation en Palestine, au blocus de Gaza, í  la colonisation galopante, et í  la nécessité d’une réaction citoyenne face í  ces violations du droit international qui nous concernent tous, car […]

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    Building Solidarity, Combating Occupation and Apartheid National Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions conference Melbourne, 29 – 31 October 2010 – activism in support of Palestine – Dear friends and supporters, Thank you for your emails and words of support. We have been overwhelmed and delighted by the positive response to the conference call. We are currently […]

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  • Caterpillar Caught in Web Of Middle East Politics

    By Larry Cohler-Esses and Josh Nathan-Kazis Published July 21, 2010, issue of July 30, 2010. At first glance, the contention that a construction equipment company in Peoria, Ill., is implicated in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict seems strange. But earlier in July, the largest Presbyterian denomination in the United States adopted a resolution that strongly criticized Caterpillar […]

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