Israel: Image Management Crisis!
by Doug Minkler To All Academics, Artists and Entertainers: Israel Needs Your ENDORSEMENT! Doug Minkler: “Corporations want artists to glorify their wars, their products & their philosophies. I make posters for my own preservation, that is, planetary preservation. My prints are inspired not by rugged individualism, but by the collective humor, defiance, & lust for […]
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UC Berkeley student senate passes divestment resolution
Press release from UC Berkeley SJP. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For the first time in the University of California history, the UC Berkeley Student Senate has approved a bill to divest from two US companies in response to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories and to Israel”s siege and bombardment of the Gaza Strip. The Senate […]
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ASUC Bill Opposes UC Investment in Israel
Spectators attend the ASUC Senate meeting Wednesday night at which a bill urging UC divestment in companies that have provided Israel with materials used in alleged war crimes was considered. By Allie Bidwell Contributing Writer Thursday, March 18, 2010 The ASUC Senate considered a bill Wednesday night urging the University of California to divest from […]
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UC Berkeley Student Senate Passes Divestment Bill
[Download Text of resolution below] – For the first time in the University of California history, the UC Berkeley Student Senate has approved a bill to divest from two US companies in response to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories and to Israel”s siege and bombardment of the Gaza Strip. The Senate bill directs both […]
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From the Salt Lake Tribune: Boycott Israel
Public Forum Letter Updated: 03/16/2010 12:34:04 PM MDT Israel’s announcement of plans to build 1,600 more housing units for Jews in Palestinian East Jerusalem is for me the last straw. According to international law, that’s not Israeli land — it’s Palestinian land — a point the United States has reaffirmed for decades. Clearly, Israel doesn’t […]
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“Week against Israeli Apartheid” at the AUB campus in Beirut
Film screenings, poetry readings, debates, workshops, roundtables, conferences and concert … that was the agenda of the Week against Israeli Apartheid held from March 1 to March 6 in several cities worldwide and for the first time in the Lebanese capital, at the American University of Beirut. For five days, these activities have sought to […]
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It is Time to Hear the Palestinian People
Israel”s dangerous and arrogant escalation in settlement building, house demolitions and evictions of Palestinian families in East Jerusalem indicates that the government of Netanyahu-Lieberman”s is pushing for overt clash and conflict– and demonstrates that it has absolutely no real intention of resuming peace negotiations. Israel”s provocations are leading the region toward a violent period, at […]
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Israel’s apartheid: Making Palestinians pay for Hitler’s crimes
By Suzanne Weiss This speech was given by Suzanne Weiss on March 2, 2010, to a meeting of students at the University of Waterloo in Canada, held as part of the Israeli Apartheid Week. Suzanne Weiss, a holocaust survivor, is a member of Not in Our Name: Jewish Voices Against Zionism and of the Coalition […]
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Reut Institute report author lies about Naomi Klein
Let”s review shall we? Reporters questioned the Reut Institute about their use of the terms “sabotage” and “attack” in a set of recommendations for how the Israeli government should respond to human rights group who said things they consider a threat. In response, Reut didn”t say, “We were misunderstood and we reject violence of any […]
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Is Israel an Apartheid State?
Download: Is Israel an Apartheid State? (pdf, 5.57 MB) Do Israel”s practices in occupied Palestinian territory, namely the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza, amount to the crimes of colonialism and apartheid under international law? Summary of a legal study by Human Sciences Research Center of South Africa. Summary written by Frances H. ReMillard. Rhetoric […]
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