Interview with Hedy Epstein on Divestment on Flashpoints
Support continues to build for a global movement against Israeli apartheid in Palestine, today we feature anti-apartheid activist and Nazi holocaust survivor Hedy Epstein talking about why she supports the campus divestment movement. LISTEN ONLINE: Download this clip Play this clip in your Computer”s media player Guests: Hedy Epstein, activist
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Listen to Organizers of Berkeley’s Divestment Campaign on Flashpoints
UC Berkeley students talk about the university”s bill to divest from companies that profit from the injustices of Israel”s occupation of Palestine. –––––– LISTEN ONLINE: Download this clip Play this clip in your Computer”s media player Guests: Nairi Shrinian, UC Berkeley undergraduate and member of Students for Justice in Palestine
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News from Georgetown, Divest!
From The Georgetown Voice: Saxa Politica: Immoral Investments: “While divestment is non-negotiable to administrators, it appears that Georgetown”s Jesuit and Catholic identity is.” Misguided idealism of Georgetown, Divest!: “The string of reports coming from the Middle East appear to confirm the assertions aired by the newly formed coalition Georgetown, Divest! that the human rights situation […]
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How many Israel Bonds does your union own?
If you’re in a union affiliated with the American Federation of Teachers it’s at least $300,000. The national union holds that amount. Amounts held by state and local affiliates are unknown. What about AAUP, NEA and other unions and union-like bodies? What about the AFL-CIO in your state? If you’re a member of one of […]
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Wednesday’s March for Social Responsibility
On Wednesday, April 14, the coalition marched from Red Square to the President”s Office to demand the University establish policies of socially responsible investing. In our letter, we addressed President DeGioia: We refuse to accept our money being invested in a way that utterly disregards social responsibility. After all, you yourself have written that “our […]
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Coalition’s Argument for Divestment Presented to Georgetown University Community
On Tuesday, April 13, the coalition presented its argument to the Georgetown community for selective divestment from eight companies that profit from human rights violations in Israel and Palestine. After coalition member Jackson Perry delivered a forty-minute presentation, laying out our case, Professor Mark Lance of the Program on Justice and Peace gave a short […]
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Hedy Epstein Speaks Out for Divestment at UC Berkeley
For More details see Eyewitness accounts of UC Berkeley divestment debate and UC Berkeley Divestment Debate Shows Importance of Campus Divestment Movement both posted on the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation Blog.
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UC Berkeley Speaks Out Against Divestment Bill Veto
Almost one month after the UC Berkeley Student Senate voted 16-4 to divest from General Electric and United technologies because of their complicity in Israeli war crimes the Student Senate meets again to attempt to override a veto by President Will Smelko. The Meeting ended around 7:15 AM with the senate tabling the bill to […]
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UC Berkeley divestment vote–it isn’t over yet
Being a part of the tremendous coalition effort to pass a divestment bill at Berkeley was quite simply an ecstatic experience. As my colleague Sydney Levy said, “The movement grew by an enormous leap today.” First, the vote itself: after the UC Berkeley Student Senate originally voted on March 18, by a margin of 16-4, […]
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Eyewitness accounts of UC Berkeley divestment debate
More on the incredible UC Berkeley divestment debate: US Campaign Steering Committee member Sophia Ritchie writes from Berkeley: “I write these words after staying up all night alongside many, many others as we awaited the decision from UCB ASUC senators as to whether they would overturn the veto on SB 118, calling on the UC […]
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