• Jonathan Ben-Artzi: Yes, apartheid

    Jonathan Ben-Artzi Guest columnist Published: Thursday, April 22, 2010 Updated: Thursday, April 22, 2010 In their recent columns, Simon Liebling “12 and Ethan Tobias “12 debated the comparison of the contemporary struggle against the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories and the struggle for divestment from the apartheid state of South Africa in the 1980s […]

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  • How the Wayne State Vote for Total Divestment from Israel has led the way

    From Wayne State, the divestment movement spread to the University of Michigan-Dearborn, to Wisconsin, and to Berkeley.

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  • Petition to Support Divestment at UC Berkeley

    Every so often, we get a moment when a remarkable future unfolds before our eyes. And when it happens, it’s our responsibility to do everything within our power to help it along. One of those moments is happening right now on the University of California’s Berkeley campus. Berkeley professors and students of every color, religion, […]

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  • UC Berkeley Student Senate Set to Vote April 28th on Historic Divestment Bill

    ***For Immediate Release*** For More Information Contact Ali Glenesk. 805.610.3889. ali.glenesk[at]gmail.com from: Students for Justice in Palestine Dina Omar. 510.283.8487. dinnaomar[at]gmail.com [Berkeley, CA] – On Wednesday April 28th, the UC Berkeley Student Senate will make a final attempt to pass a bill calling for divestment of University funds from companies that profit from Israel”s war […]

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  • The BDS Movement: Talk and Discussion with Omar Barghouti

    The BDS Movement (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) is an effective voice bringing attention to the injustices of Israel”s treatment of the Palestinian community in the Middle East. Omar Barghouti is a founder of the BDS movement. In part 1 Mr. Barghouti provides his personal struggle to bring the movement forward and includes a very personal insight […]

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  • UC-Berkeley’s new divestment approach

    By Steve Horn Tuesday, April 20, 2010 12:01 a.m. Few tactics of political activism stir more controversy on college campuses, with accompanying international reverberations, than student-led calls for their university investment boards to divest from corporations that make the Israeli military occupation of the West Bank and siege of the Gaza Strip possible. Generally, this […]

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  • Christian Peacemaker Teams endorses Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement

    From Christian Peacemaker Teams based in Hebron: 19 April 2010 CPT-Palestine has decided to endorse formally the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, as called for by Palestinian NGOs, because sixty years of negotiations and diplomacy have only enabled Israel to solidify its military occupation of Palestine. The international community has long called for Palestinian […]

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  • Palestinian Student Urges UC Berkeley Senate To Divest From Israeli War Crimes

    Almost one month after the UC Berkeley Student Senate voted 16-4 to divest from General Electric and United technologies because of their complicity in Israeli war crimes the Student Senate meets again to attempt to override a veto by President Will Smelko. The Meeting ended around 7:15 AM with the senate tabling the bill to […]

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  • USPCN: Berkeley divestment struggle continues!

    The US Palestinian Community Network (USPCN) salutes the efforts of Students for Justice in Palestine at UC Berkeley. The tireless efforts and determination of the students at Berkeley, culminating in the 16-4 vote by the Student Senate to divest from two companies providing support for the Zionist occupation of Palestine, are an inspiration to us […]

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  • Georgetown, Divest! Coalition presents to GUSA Senate

    This afternoon, coalition members Jackson Perry and Elise Garofalo delivered a presentation in front of the GUSA Senate about the University”s blatant lack of policies of socially responsible investing. After the short presentation (which is available at the end of this post), Perry and Garofalo answered questions from GUSA Senators and GUSA President Calen Angert […]

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