Picket Israel”s JERUSALEM QUARTET recital Tuesday 17 November 2009, 7.00pm Melbourne Recital Centre, corner Southbank Boulevard and Sturt Street, Southbank Please help us distribute flyers half an hour before the recital begins. After Perth, Sydney and Adelaide, Melbourne is the Jerusalem Quartet”s next stop. This is your chance to join the worldwide boycott, divestment and […]

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  • New Orleans Film Festival Joins the Cultural Boycott of Israel

    New Orleans Palestine solidarity activists founded one film festival in New Orleans, called PATOIS (patoisfilmfest.org). Our festival considers ourselves part of the International BDS movement, and our festival observes the international boycott of Israeli cultural institutions. Now we have convinced another local film festival, the New Orleans Middle East Film Festival, to also observe the […]

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  • Supporting the Cultural Boycott from Within

    The Israeli group, BOYCOTT! Supporting the Palestinian BDS call from within, have circulated a call to action, asking Israeli citizens to contact officials at the University of Trondheim, and express their support for a decision in favor of an institutional boycott against Israeli universities. The letter sent by the group itself follows. 8/11/09 Boycott the […]

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  • Open letter to the Choir of Clare College, Cambridge

    Please consider signing this letter below and sending your reply back to Michael or John by Sunday November 1st at the latest, and circulating of you can. Further to my message yesterday, I am copying below a letter to all members of Clare College Choir which has been drafted by the UK Palestine Solidarity Campaign […]

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  • Looking for Eric / Haifa Film Festival and Welcome Redistribution of Wealth.

    It is not often we hear of bosses voluntarily sharing profits, so it was with some delight we heard the good news that the Chief Executive, Nurit Shani, of Lev Cinemas and Films in Israel will use the profits from our film Looking for Eric to benefit Israeli film makers. We hope this new found […]

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  • The cowardice, the vanity, the sin of boycotting Israel

    By Bradley Burston Live in this tainted Holy Land long enough, and you come to learn that there are two kinds of political activists, much as there are two kinds of artists. The first kind, the kind who changes the world, points to something that has yet to have been seen, something that seriously needs […]

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  • Seinfeld, you were wrong to condemn our Toronto protest

    By Udi Aloni Jewish international celebrities, from Jerry Seinfeld to Sacha Baron Cohen, have come out once again, riding the horses of glory, to save Israel from the cruel enemy, that is to save her from us, those fighting for human rights. They have published a counter-declaration to the Toronto declaration. The latter, of which […]

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  • Hollywood fights back against anti-Israeli sentiment

    Ad denounces boycott demands made at Toronto International Film Festival. By TINA DAUNT September 19, 2009 Left, right or center, there’s two things nearly everybody in Hollywood agrees on: There’s no disease that can’t be cured by raising enough money and the state of Israel deserves unabashed support. These days, sympathy for Israel puts the […]

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  • Thank you for your support!

    Quick link to the Toronto Declaration Support for the “Toronto Declaration – No Celebration of Occupation” has been tremendous. We sincerely thank every individual and organization that has joined in our efforts. We also wanted to share some important updates with you regarding the Toronto Declaration: Although TIFF co-director Cameron Bailey vehemently denied any links […]

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  • GRITtv: Boycotting Israel

    [vodpod id=ExternalVideo.873322&w=425&h=350&fv=] more about "GRITtv: Boycotting Israel", posted with vodpod International pressure is mounting on Israel to end the occupation. More than 1,000 filmmakers, actors, and writers recently called for a protest of the Toronto Film Festival?s spotlight on Tel-Aviv. You can read the Toronto Declaration here. Meanwhile an international boycott is growing. Neve Gordon, […]

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