Do The Right Thing: Hampshire’s Selective Divestment Movement
By Ellen Cantarow Dear friends, I am so excited to report to you that Hampshire College has become the first US college… to divest from Israeli occupation, just as they were the first to divest from South African apartheid in 1977! You can read all about it to your heart’s content at the Hampshire Students […]
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Feb 19th, 2009 by Take Back NYU! NYU is the latest university to join a wave of global student occupations in the name of student empowerment. The Kimmel Center for University life is official a reclaimed space. Demands We, the students of NYU, declare an occupation of this space. This occupation is the culmination of […]
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Statement of support from Birzeit University students
Student Volunteers, R2E Campaign, Birzeit University , 17 February 2009 The Right to Education Campaign and the students of Birzeit University would like to commend and express support for students worldwide who have taken a principled stance against the ferocious Israeli bombardment of the Gaza strip for 22 days between December 2008 and January 2009. […]
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Edinburgh University Student Occupation Wins Demands
PULSE The times they are a-changing. Following is a press release from the Edinburgh University Student Occupation for Gaza. We at PULSE and Strathclyde University congratulate the Edinburgh students on their victory. At 8:45 on the morning of Monday 16/02/2009 the student occupation of George Square Lecture Theatre will come to an end. We, the […]
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Support Hampshire College SJP
PULSE Ever since it announced to widespread applause its decision to divest from the Israeli occupation, Hampshire College administration is being hammered by the Israel lobby”s flak machine led by Zionist fanatic Alan Dershowitz (best known for his academic malpractices) who is threatening the institution with withdrawal of funding, unless, Inside Higher Ed reports, “Hampshire […]
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Students angered by Gaza revive sit-ins
* Alexandra Topping * The Guardian, Saturday 14 February 2009 A new wave of student activism sparked by events in Gaza has seen dozens of university buildings occupied in Britain, with some of the UK’s top educational establishments agreeing to set up scholarships for Palestinians or disinvest in arms companies linked to Israel. Though the […]
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A Campus Sit-in against Israeli Occupation
by Ron Jacobs / February 13th, 2009 On Friday, February 6, the University of Rochester-SDS (UR-SDS) organized an occupation of Goergen Hall at the University of Rochester for peace and solidarity with the Palestinians. The action was partially inspired by the wave of occupations across the UK in support of Palestine the past few weeks. […]
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University of Manchester Students Union Boycotts Israel
On Wednesday 11th Feb the University of Manchester Students Union passed a motion in support of the people of Gaza, which includes a resolve to boycott Israel, in an emergency general meeting [1]. The meeting, which was attended by over 1000 students, was called in response to the crisis in Gaza. It follows a week […]
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Australian University students support BDS campaign
University of Western Sydney’s Student Association (UWSSA) | Australian BDS Campaign for Palestine | February 7, 2009 The University of Western Sydney’s Student Association (UWSSA) has decided to formally affiliate to the “Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel”. The call to boycott which was sent by “Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of […]
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Apartheid Week Organizing
Hi Uscom4acbi, I wanted to figure out a bit how we might be able to coordinate…I am a part of the organizing committee for Israeli Apartheid Week in New York. This year is the 5th international IAW. IAW started in Toronto in 2005 after the unified Palestinian BDs call came out, and has been growing […]
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