Boycott, Surrender or War
The ‘Dahiye strategy’ has just been applied in Gaza. By Jeremy Salt – Ankara The spate of reports coming out of the Middle East in the past two weeks are signs of a coming danger greater than the region has known in its modern history. The Israeli onslaught on Gaza; the massacre of civilians; the […]
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To Boycott Israel…or Not?
Features ยป March 30, 2009 Naomi Klein and Rabbi Arthur Waskow debate whether divestment will bring peace to the Middle East. By Joel Bleifuss On Jan. 23, a family stands by a burning fire where their home once stood in a Gaza City neighborhood heavily damaged by Israeli troops. “I don”t attack BDS as unethical. […]
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A Call for Boycott
by Rania Masri and Marcy Newman / March 30th, 2009 In remembering and commemorating Land Day, March 30, 1976, when six Palestinians were killed and almost 100 wounded by Israeli forces in Sakhnin during unarmed protests against the confiscation of Palestinian lands in Galilee; in remembering the December 2008 Israeli savagery against the Palestinians in […]
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International campaign calls for boycott of Israel
Traditional marches, rallies mark 33rd Land Day as Union of Arab Community-Based Associations, World Social Forum call on all affiliates to usher mass ostracism against Jewish state Sharon Roffe-Ofir The 33rd Land Day marked Monday was held under the banner of ostracizing Israel, as over 100 groups adhered a call by Ittijah โ the Union […]
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Lebanese Campaign for the Boycott of Zionism
Note: English follows Arabic ???? ???? ?? ????????? ?? ????? ??? ????? ???????? ?? ??? ????? ??????? ??????? ???? ????? ??? ???????????? ?????? ?????? ???????? ?????? ??? ???? ???? ??????? ?? ??????? ??????? ????????. ????? ??? ??? ?????????? ??? ????? ?????? ????? ?? ??????. ???? 1975 ??????? ?????? ??????? ?? ??????????? ?? ??????? ??? ????? […]
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BNC Statement on Land Day โ BDS Global Day of Action
Posted by OPGAI on Fri, 03/27/2009 – 13:26 Boycott Israel! Make it account for its crimes in Gaza! 30 March 2009 – Today, the Palestinian people scattered across the globe mark Land Day, commemorating the events of 33 years ago, when Israeli security forces shot and killed six young Palestinian citizens of Israel and injured […]
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Boycott Apartheid Israel
By Natalie Abou Shakra – Gaza The concept of civil resistance is not new at all. This non-violent, unarmed, citizen oriented strategy of resistance in modern history played a role in the struggles against colonialism, and neo-colonialism especially in British colonies of Africa, in Apartheid South Africa, India, and the Middle East, particularly Palestine. We […]
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Australian Academic Boycott of Israel: Global BDS Day 30 March 2009
Responding to the CALL of Palestinian civil society to join the boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel, we are an Australian campaign focused specifically on a boycott of Israeli academic and cultural institutions, as delineated by PACBI (Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel): In light of Israel’s persistent violations […]
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Challenging Israeli Impunity: The Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions Movement
RADIO INTIFADA intifada=shaking off – oppression/silence Voices from Kolkata to Casablanca Voices of struggle, Voices for change Thursday, March 26, 2009 3-4pm PST KPFK/Pacifica Radio 90.7 fm, Los Angeles Streaming at kpfk.org available on audio archive for 90 days Following in the footsteps of the BDS movement against the South African apartheid regime, citizens around […]
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Ali Abunimah on Flashpoints discussing BDS
Tuesday, March 24, 2009 Today on Flashpoints: Founder of the Electronic Intifada, Ali Abunimah, in the Flashpoints studio gives a postmortem on Gaza and talks about the possibilities for justice and freedom for Palestine; a report from northern Israel as Israeli settlers, backed by security forces, threaten Palestinians with death in a violent public demonstration. […]
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