• South African Transport Workers’ Union international secretary calls for isolation of Israel

    transcript Zico Tamela (at demo in front of UN in Cairo, Monday 28th Jan) ——— “I always say, remember in South Africa we also fought for the isolation of the racist labour movement from the international labour movement. So what is the difference now? It’s not a question of fighting Jewish workers, no, no, it’s […]

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  • Udi Aloni: Why We Support the Non-violent BDS Movement

    [Aloni describes the BDS movement’s approach to the Palestinian Right of Return as “Legal and moral Recognition of the Palestinian refugees’ right of return (Obviously, each community’s position will be taken into consideration during the desired negotiations”. According to the Palestinian United Call for BDS (http://bdsmovement.net/?q=node/52), that is not in fact the position of the […]

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  • Richard Falk Interview on Radio Intifada

    RADIO INTIFADA intifada=shaking off – oppression/silence brought to you by SWANA, the South/West Asia and Northern Africa Collective follow us on twitter: @radiointifada ONE HOUR SPECIAL on GAZA/Freedom March Thursday, December 31, 2009 2:00 -3pm PST KPFK 90.7fm Los Angeles, 98.7 Santa Barbara and streaming live at www.kpfk.org The SWANA team that brought you ongoing […]

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  • Dexia Bank Refuses Grant For Jewish Settlements

    The Belgian-French Group, Dexia, refused to finance grants meant for the construction of property in Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank. The decision came after a Palestinian and a Belgium groups filed a petition against financing settlement constructions. Moayyad Affana, coordinator of the twin-project of the Intellectuals Forum in the northern West Bank city […]

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  • End Israeli Apartheid: The Cairo Declaration

    The Gaza Freedom March has come to an end, but before the protesters dispersed they agreed on the following statement: January 1, 2010 We, international delegates meeting in Cairo during the Gaza Freedom March 2009 in collective response to an initiative from the South African delegation, state: In view of: o Israel”s ongoing collective punishment […]

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  • 2009 BDS Highlights

    PACBI Newsletter #1 The Year 2009 has proved to be a watershed in the growth of the global BDS movement. The massive lethal Israeli war of aggression on the Gaza Strip in late December 2008 and January 2009 galvanized many organized groups and individuals around the world to call for BDS actions as a means […]

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  • Pressure

    The Belgian French bank group Dexia, which specializes in financing municipalities and other local authorities, is refusing to work with Judea and Samaria local councils, Israel Radio reported Wednesday morning. Sources in the Council of Jewish Communities in Judea, Samaria, and the Gaza Strip told Israel Radio that in several cases, applicants were informed that […]

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  • Portuguese activists fight state water company deal with Israel’s Mekorot

    Adri Nieuwhof, The Electronic Intifada, 28 December 2009 In October, EPAL, Portugal’s state water company, announced a deal with Mekorot, Israel’s state water company. An intern who responded to the news by informing colleagues of Mekorot’s role in Israel’s discriminatory water policies and assistance in its violation of international law was immediately sacked. News of […]

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  • Open Letter to Metallica

    AN OPEN LETTER TO METALLICA Halls of Justice Painted Green Money Talking Power Wolves Beset Your Door Hear Them Stalking Soon You’ll Please Their Appetite They Devour Hammer of Justice Crushes You Overpower… (“…And Justice for All”, Metallica) Dear Metallica, Now that the opportunity to truly promote justice for all is in your hands – […]

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