• British Academic Union Makes BDS History, Severing Links with Histadrut and Boycotting Ariel College

    PACBI | 30 May 2010 Ramallah, Occupied Palestine 30 May 2010 The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI)expresses its profound appreciation for the courageous positions in support of Palestinian rightstaken by the membership of the University and College Union (UCU) at its Congress today inManchester. The UCU has again firmly […]

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  • BNC warmly welcomes Deutsche Bank’s divestment from Israeli arms co. Elbit

    Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC) Deutsche Bank announces divestment from Elbit FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 27 2010 For more information contact: In Palestine: Jamal Juma”, BNC Secretariat, Stop the Wall Coordinator +972-598921821 / global[at]stopthewall.org In Europe: Michael Deas, BNC Europe Coordinator +447794678525 / bnc.europe[at]bdsmovement.net · Deutsche Bank announces divestment from Israeli arms manufacturer […]

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  • Solidarity campaign with Palestinian people launched

    By Madiha Luqman A campaign of solidarity with the Palestinian people was launched in Lahore earlier this year which is now gathering momentum. Campaign founders, including Amanullah Kariapper, Qalandar Memon, and Dr Magid Shihade, a Palestinian scholar teaching at the Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS), discussed the initiative “Pakistanis for Palestine” at the Lahore […]

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    Met een campagne voor Boycot, Desinvesteren en Sancti es (BDS) willen wij de Israí«lische regering onder druk zett en om: ? zich te houden aan het internationaal recht en om de legiti emerechten van het Palesti jnse volkte erkennen; ? een einde te maken aan hetbeleg van de Strook van Gaza en de bezetti ng […]

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  • Call for an international campaign to Stop the Jewish National Fund

    To join the campaign and endorse this statement, contact: stopjnf [at] bdsmovement.net Organizations who have joined the campaign are listed below The Jewish National Fund (JNF)[1] was instrumental in the ethnic cleansing[2] of Palestine in the 1948 Nakba, and continues to play a central role in maintaining Israel’s regime of apartheid.[3] The JNF provided political, […]

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  • BDS Is Vital For Palestine’s Freedom

    2010 Nobel Peace Prize nominee, Mustafa Barghouthi, tells PSC that an international campaign of boycott, sanctions and divestment on Israel is vital if Palestine is ever to be free of occupation. Dr Barghouthi, who heads the Palestinian National Initiative, also describes how the movement of non-violent resistance in the West Bank is challenging Israel”s occupation. […]

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  • Deutsche Bank: “We are out of Elbit”

    Occupied Palestine – Germany”s biggest bank Deutsche Bank has divested the bank”s 2% stake in Elbit Systems, an Israeli arms company that supplies the Israeli military and provides components for the Apartheid Wall in Occupied Palestinian Territory that was found to be in violation of international law by the International Court of Justice.[i] The announcement […]

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  • BDS National Committee preps for 2nd conference

    Bethlehem – Ma’an – The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee will hold its second national conference in Nablus startiong on Monday, and preparations for the event were concluded just days before, organizers said. The conference follows up on the 2005 call for a Palestinian national boycott and divestment movement supported by some 170 unions, […]

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  • Political coup? Israel welcomed into OECD despite criticism over Gaza, settlements.

    At an official OECD welcome of Israel in Paris today, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu touted the economic benefits of membership. Palestinians say the OECD has effectively legitimized Israel’s occupation. By Erin Cunningham, Correspondent / May 27, 2010 Jerusalem Israel won an important symbolic victory against its international critics today, as it officially joined the Organization […]

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  • Boycotting Israel / US Products for Justice

    Remember the time when joining hands in murdering innocent people seemed atrocious? The time when “To kill one soul is as though you have killed the whole of humanity” of the Holy Qur’an actually meant something to most of us? Just in case we haven’t already realized, the time when we actually cared for the […]

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