SATAWU CONDEMNS THE ISRAELI ACT OF INTERNATIONAL PIRACY The South African Transport and Allied Workers Union condemns the attack on aid ships launched by the Israeli state. This last act of Israeli state sponsored murder left nine people dead and many others injured. The attack which took place in international waters is nothing less than […]

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  • COSATU condemns Israeli state piracy

    The Congress of South African Trade Unions is outraged at the murder by Israeli commandos” of at least twenty people – and injuries to a further 60 – as a result of their armed attack on a convoy of ships carrying aid to the people of Gaza last night, 30 May 2010. COSATU sends its […]

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  • Norway calls for boycott on arms to Israel

    OSLO (AFP) – A Norwegian minister and leader of a political party calls for an international boycott of arms trade with Israel following a deadly raid by Israeli commandoes on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla. “¢ Swedish pension fund shuns Israeli arms maker “¢ Four Swedes in Israeli prison after Gaza ship raid “Everyone should follow […]

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  • Turkey’s parliament wants review of Israeli ties

    Wed, 06/02/2010 – 10:33am | The Associated Press ANKARA, Turkey (AP) – Turkey’s parliament called on the government Wednesday to review all ties with Israel as the country prepared a huge welcome home for hundreds of Turks detained after Israel’s bloody raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla. In Israel, all of the nearly 700 activists […]

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  • Ambassador í‡elikkol back in Ankara for “˜consultations’

    Turkey’s outgoing Ambassador to Israel O?uz í‡elikkol arrived in the Turkish capital on Thursday for “consultations,” as Israel’s lethal seizure of a Gaza-bound aid convoy including a Turkish-flagged ship brought the already strained relationship between the Jewish state and Turkey close to the breaking point. í‡elikkol would have been “withdrawn,” instead of simply being recalled […]

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  • BDS-Related Responses to Israel’s Flotilla Massacre of 31 May 2010

    Only a few days since Israel’s illegal and fatal act of aggression against the Gaza Freedom Flotilla,, BDS-related reactions around the world were quick and qualitatively consequential. Building on 5 years of international BDS activism since the Palestinian Civil Society Call for BDS was launched on 9 July 2005, a year and a half since […]

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  • Margaret Atwood: Lessons in Selling Out

    I felt a deep sharp pain in my stomach; I could swear that I saw the flotilla in the sea from my window; the water was red and I could swear that I smelled the blood, thick and iron-saturated. The pain hit for a split second; it couldn”t last longer. The sun was shining perfectly […]

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  • In Response to Israel’s Assault on the Freedom Flotilla: BNC Calls for Action

    Posted by RORCoalition on Thu, 06/03/2010 – 08:49 BNC, 1 June 2010 – Palestinian civil society calls for intensifying boycott and sanctions as Israel massacres humanitarian relief workers and international solidarity activists Occupied Palestine, 1 June 2010 – The Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC) strongly condemns last night”s fatal attack by the […]

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  • 40% of Norwegians: Ban Israeli products

    Posted by RORCoalition on Thu, 06/03/2010 – 08:37 AFP [YNet] Survey conducted two days after deadly Navy raid shows 9.5% of respondents already boycotting Israeli products, while 33.5% would like to. Head of country’s Socialist Left party calls on international community to boycott arms trade with Jewish state More than 40% of Norwegians are already […]

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  • The urgency of this moment

    Radhika Sainath, The Electronic Intifada, 3 June 2010 When evidence emerged that a North Korean torpedo sank a South Korean warship in disputed waters two months ago, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton strongly condemned the attack. Clinton demanded that Pyongyang “stop its provocative behavior, halt its policy of threats of belligerence towards its neighbors, and […]

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