• Chomsky and Palestine: Asset or Liability?

    In a recent interview renowned linguist Noam Chomsky called the BDS campaign “hypocritical”. Jeffrey Blankfort, who is the author of an earlier important critique of Chomsky”s position on Palestine, responds: When Noam Chomsky was stopped at Jordan”s Allenby Bridge and prevented from entering the Palestinian West Bank by Israeli occupation forces in May, the widespread […]

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  • California Scholars for Academic Freedom (CS4AF) Statement Regarding Israel’s Knesset Bill Calling for Heavy Fines to be Imposed on Citizens of Israel Who Initiate or Incite Boycotts Against Israel

    21 July 2010 California Scholars for Academic Freedom (CS4AF) is an organization of scholars devoted to the defense of academic freedom, particularly, but not exclusively, with regard to discussion of Middle East affairs. Over the past few years, CS4AF has spoken out against the intimidation of scholars and institutions, whether on the basis of their […]

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  • Johnny Rotten: “Rise” against racism, boycott Israel

    Open Letter, Palestinian Students’ Campaign for the Academic Boycott of Israel, University Teachers’ Association in Palestine, 20 July 2010 The following letter to British musician John Lydon, aka Johnny Rotten, who is scheduled to perform in Tel Aviv next month, was issued on 18 July 2010 by the Palestinian Students’ Campaign for the Academic Boycott […]

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  • Israel-Turkey axis turned on its head

    By Chris Zambelis For many observers, the long-term implications of Israel’s deadly May 31 assault against the MV Mavi Marmara, the Turkish flagship that was part of the Gaza Freedom flotilla, on Israeli-Turkish relations are unclear. The attack left eight Turks and one Turkish-American dead and scores more wounded. The flotilla set off to break […]

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  • Israeli right embracing one-state?

    By Ali Abunimah There has been a strong revival in recent years of support among Palestinians for a one-state solution guaranteeing equal rights to Palestinians and Israeli Jews throughout historic Palestine. One might expect that any support for a single state among Israeli Jews would come from the far left, and in fact this is […]

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  • Are Arabs swimming with or against the BDS tide against Israeli Apartheid?

    July 2010 by Mohannad El-Khairy Charles C. Boycott seems to have become a household word because of his strong sense of duty to his employer. An Englishman and former British soldier, Boycott was the estate agent of the Earl of Erne in County Mayo, Ireland. The earl was one of the absentee landowners who as […]

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  • An open letter to the Methodist Church on their decision to Endorse BDS

    Dear Sir or Madam, The decision of the Methodist Church to endorse the BDS Campaign, has not alone been greeted with huge respect by those concerned with the near unique plight of Palestinians, attacked, evicted, walled in or excluded, land divested for sixty two years, but has also restored faith in what believers are : […]

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  • “Palestinian Holocaust is ongoing”

    July 20, 2010 In Letters to the Editor, at: http://www.annarbor.com/news/opinion/boycott-israel-proposal-deserves-local-discussion/ There is rarely an issue of AnnArbor.com that does not showcase Zionist propaganda to whitewash the crimes of Israel against Palestinians. One can easily find numerous entries for “Holocaust” when searching in AnnArbor.com, including today’s front-page Holocaust article showcasing Beth Israel Congregation (now famous for […]

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  • In an effort to combat BDS, the JCRC doubles down on the occupation

    by Adam Horowitz on July 20, 2010 The leaders of the American Jewish community continue to struggle with how to respond to the the growing BDS movement. The Jewish Community Relations Committee of Greater Washington has adopted a particularly strange approach – they want their members to actively support the occupation. This call is in […]

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  • Israeli Shabak interrogates Israeli activist over BDS & Bil’in protests

    by Adam Horowitz on July 20, 2010 A month ago Phil posted on an event here in New York discussing Jewish perspectives on BDS. One the speakers that night was Yonatan Shapira, who spoke in favor of boycott. Shapira recently returned to Israel and sent this update. Translation by Dena Shunra. I moved back to […]

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