• Isolate the Israelis…

    By Dr Ghada Karmi , Posted on » Wednesday, August 25, 2010 Can Israel survive its recent battering in public opinion? Many believe that this may be a defining moment in a long history of Israeli impunity. Hitherto, Israel’s record of recovery from international censure has been impressive. A string of past misdeeds – the […]

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  • Open Letter to Jeff Beck: Don’t Condone Israeli Apartheid!!

    Occupied Ramallah, 26 August 2010 The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) is deeply troubled to learn that a highly respected musician such as yourself is scheduled to perform in Israel on October 5th, in violation of the Palestinian call for Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS). [1] Israel is oppressing […]

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  • Norway Divests from Leviev Companies Due to Israeli Settlement Construction

    Media Contact: info[at]adalahny.org For Immediate Release August 23, New York, NY – In a major victory for the international movement for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel, the Norwegian government announced today that it has divested from Lev Leviev”s company Africa Israel Investments and its construction subsidiary Danya Cebus due to their construction of […]

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  • Chicagoan Arrested Calling for Boycott of Israel’s Guantanamo

    Chicago police at downtown Millennium Park today arrested an activist who was exercising his free speech rights during a protest organized by the Palestine Solidarity Group-Chicago. At the Chicago Sister Cities” annual International Festival, more than 30 activists protested Israel”s inclusion in the program and called for the cutting of Chicago ties with Israeli apartheid. […]

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  • Independent Jewish Voices (Canada) Joins Campaign of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Against Israel

    On 17 June 2010 Independent Jewish Voices (Canada) voted to join the growing international campaign in support of the Palestinian call for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel, at its first Annual General Meeting this past weekend. This group joins a growing number of faith-based responses to the global BDS call.

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  • On Local Boycott and Deception

    By Khalil Nakhleh Like many thousands of Palestinians in Ramallah, I feel utterly confused by the dishonesty of being railroaded concerning local boycott of ‘settlements’ products. Because we–my wife and I–are committed to the principle and act of boycott, as a means of resistance, I decided to clarify the primary issues involved, in order to […]

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  • Support builds for boycotts against Israel, activists say

    By Farah Stockman Globe Staff / August 22, 2010 WASHINGTON – In May, rock legend Elvis Costello canceled his gig in Israel. Then, in June, a group of unionized dock workers in San Francisco refused to unload an Israeli ship. In August, a food co-op in Washington state removed Israeli products from its shelves. The […]

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  • 4 British activists acquitted in anti-Ahava action

    Sunday August 22, 2010 02:08 by Saed Bannoura – IMEMC News Report A British court has found 4 activists not guity of ‘aggravated trespass’ for an action in which they shut down a store selling Israeli dead sea beauty products. The court ruled that the company in question, Ahava Beauty, was engaged in illegal activity […]

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  • Three companies excluded from the Government Pension Fund Global

    The Ministry of Finance has excluded two Israeli companies and one Malaysian company from the portfolio of the Government Pension Fund Global (GPFG). On the recommendation of the Council on Ethics, the Ministry of Finance has decided to exclude the Israeli companies Africa Israel Investments Ltd. and Danya Cebus Ltd. and the Malaysian company Samling […]

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  • A Support Letter to Faithless

    20.8.2010 Dear members of Faithless. We are writing to express our appreciation and gratitude for your recently announced decision NOT to schedule any concerts in Israel in the foreseeable future. We appreciate the courage it takes to make such a declaration rather than just join the silent boycott as many others seem to be doing. […]

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