• Open Letter to Joanna Newsom

    Sep. 18, 2010 Dear Joanna Newsom, We are members of Boycott! – a group of Israeli citizens, Jews and Palestinians, who support the Palestinian call to boycott Israel as means of bringing to an end the murderous, systematic oppression of an entire population, which occurs daily in our name. The news of your scheduled performance […]

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  • Stephen Frears and the Haifa Film Festival

    To: Mr. Stepehen Frears (Copies: Israeli and International Media) Dear Stephen Frears, We are a group of Israeli citizens and British citizens. We write this letter to you just a few days before your film, Tamara Drewe, will open the 26th Haifa International Film Festival, which will take place from September 23 – 30, 2010. […]

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  • Why we are boycotting the Batsheva Dance Company

    by Adam Horowitz on September 17, 2010 The following is an open letter to the Batsheva Dance Company from two groups organizing a boycott of its upcoming shows in New York City: Dear Batsheva Dance Company, We are a group of New York-based human rights activists and artists calling for a boycott of your performances […]

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  • Boycott!’s letter to Pete Seeger

    30 August 2010 Dear Pete Seeger, We are members of an Israeli group called “Boycott! supporting the Palestinian call for boycott divestment and sanctions (BDS) from within”. We are appealing to you because of commitment you have demonstrated during many years to social justice. We have recently heard that you plan to participate this November […]

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  • Dear John Lee Hooker, Jr.

    It has come to our attention that you are scheduled to perform in the city of Tel Aviv. As a group of Israeli citizens who object the long and brutal oppression that our state inflicts on the Palestinian people that are held under its sway, we urge you to cancel this show. Indeed, we hope […]

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  • Sacramento Natural Foods Co-op debates Palestine politics

    No matzo, no peace By Lien Hoang This article was published on 09.16.10. Matzo and bath salts are stirring up controversy over at the Sacramento Natural Foods Co-op, where a fraction of its 12,000 owner-members is moving to boycott products that come from Israel. The boycott is being pushed by the Sacramento Boycott, Divestments, Sanctions […]

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  • Los Angeles Launches Nation’s First Israel Divestment Campaign

    Posted by Linda Milazzo at 1:35 am September 10, 2010 On April 1, 2010, in a no-holds-barred interview with the Christian Science Monitor, Israeli peacemaker Jonathan Ben Artzi, a PhD candidate at Brown University and nephew to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, made clear his belief that equality and social justice will prevail in Israel […]

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  • Seven Million Back Biggest British Boycott

    Palestine Monitor 16 September 2010 At their annual conference this week the TUC, Britain”s all-encompassing trade union coalition, announced their most comprehensive boycott policy yet. It targets settlement goods as well as companies profiting from the illegal occupation of Palestinian land. The motion to boycott and disinvest from these companies passed unanimously on behalf of […]

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  • Gaza deaths protest comes under heavy live fire from Israeli snipers

    15 September 2010 | ISM Gaza Over 100 rounds of live ammunition were fired at peaceful protesters in a Tuesday demonstration in the Gaza strip. The protest at the Erez border area near Beit Hanoun yesterday included Palestinian activists from the Local Initiative group, local residents and 4 members of the International Solidarity Movement who […]

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  • British trade unions to boycott Israel

    Published: Sept. 15, 2010 at 8:36 AM MANCHESTER, England, Sept. 15 (UPI) — Britain’s trade union federation voted against lifting its boycott of Israeli goods and services from West Bank settlements, Israel Radio said. At an annual conference in Manchester, England, the Trade Union Congress voted to strengthen ties with the radical Palestinian Solidarity Campaign […]

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