• US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel

    Mission Statement: Responding to the CALL of Palestinian civil society to join the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement against Israel, we are a US campaign focused specifically on a boycott of Israeli academic and cultural institutions, as delineated by PACBI (Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel): “In light of Israel’s persistent […]

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    LSE STUDENTS SECOND UNIVERSITY TO HOLD OCCUPATION WITH MORE UNIVERSITIES ABOUT TO JOIN Over forty pro Palestine students have occupied a lecture theatre at the London School of Economics to demand that the university releases a statement condemning the attack on Gaza and that it divest from arms companies that supply the Israeli military. Students […]

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  • Israel Bombs University Teachers Association in Gaza–Boycott Now!

    Israel Bombs University Teachers Association in Gaza–Boycott Now! Occupied Palestine – PACBI learned today from its Steering Committee member, Dr. Haidar Eid, that the headquarters of the University Teachers Association-Palestine, in Gaza, was bombed by the Israeli occupation forces during their indiscriminate, willful destruction campaign in the Tal el-Hawa neighborhood of Gaza City on Friday. […]

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  • Words and deeds in the Middle East

    * The Guardian, Saturday 17 January 2009 The leaders of the western world are wringing their hands in despair at the sight of the horrors inflicted on Gaza (Gaza crisis, 16 January). The UN general secretary, the French president and others are holding intensive discussions with some of the leaders of the Middle East in […]

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  • Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza: A Letter to DeGioia

    By Sohrab Ghassemi | Jan 16 2009 | Dear President DeGioia: We write to you today with a deep concern for the situation in Gaza. As the leader of our university, Dr. DeGioia, we have admired your dedication to affirming the Catholic and Jesuit heritage of our institution time and again. That tradition includes a […]

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  • Growing outrage at the killings in Gaza

    * The Guardian, Friday 16 January 2009 The massacres in Gaza are the latest phase of a war that Israel has been waging against the people of Palestine for more than 60 years. The goal of this war has never changed: to use overwhelming military power to eradicate the Palestinians as a political force, one […]

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  • A call from Gaza

    A call from Gaza Gaza associations | | January 16, 2009 With the death toll in Gaza growing hourly, silence is complicity. It is imperative for concerned citizens to demand that their governments take immediate action in order to stop Israeli genocide in Gaza. Write your representative today and demand: 1. That Israeli war criminals […]

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  • LRB contributors react to events in Gaza

    Tariq Ali A few weeks before the assault on Gaza, the Strategic Studies Institute of the US Army published a levelheaded document on “Hamas and Israel”, which argued that “Israel”s stance towards the democratically-elected Palestinian government headed by Hamas in 2006, and towards Palestinian national coherence – legal, territorial, political and economic – has been […]

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  • 300 Canadian academics send letter to Harper, Call for Sanctions

    Dear Prime Minister Harper and Foreign Affairs Minister Cannon: We the undersigned academics and educators express our condemnation of Israel’s attack on Gaza. With over 600 dead, including 100 children, we call on the Canadian government to demand an immediate cessation of Israeli hostilities. As per the position of UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights […]

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  • Dear President-elect Obama

    The Daily Star (Beirut) / January 12, 2009 Open Letter Editor’s note: The following is a letter addressed to US President-elect Barack Obama calling for the United States to change its policies vis-a-vis the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, especially in light of Israel’s current onslaught against the Gaza Strip. It was signed by more than 900 academics, […]

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