• Nearly 200 Faculty Members at U.S. Colleges Endorse Academic Boycott of Israel

    Daily news reported by The Chronicle February 18, 2009 A fledgling group calling itself the U.S. Campaign for the Academic & Cultural Boycott of Israel now lists 193 faculty members and several student groups at American colleges as endorsing its call for a boycott. David Lloyd, a professor of English at the University of Southern […]

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  • Has Palestine Passed the Tipping Point?

    Sovereignty and Settler Colonialism in South Africa and Israel-Palestine Virginia Tilley Scholars broaching comparisons of South African apartheid with Israeli policies regarding Palestinians invariably confront challenges that the two cases are not sufficiently homologous to justify comparison. Whether raised in good or bad faith, such challenges can be valuable for social sciences and history to […]

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  • Rebuilding the Islamic University of Gaza

    Akram Habeeb and Marcy Newman, The Electronic Intifada, 16 February 2009 Since Israel’s bombing of the buildings housing scientific laboratories at the Islamic University of Gaza (IUG) on 28 December, the rubble that remains debunks Israeli claims that those labs were used to manufacture weapons. Of course such allegations are preposterous; indeed it would be […]

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  • Queer activists call for boycott of Tel Aviv film festival

    Appeal, QUIT!, 17 February 2009 Queers Undermining Israeli Terrorism (QUIT!), a San Francisco Bay Area solidarity group, is calling on international Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans and Queer filmmakers not to participate in the Tel Aviv International LGBT Film Festival this June. QUIT!’s call for filmmakers to respect the cultural boycott of Israel initiated by more […]

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  • Statement of support from Birzeit University students

    Student Volunteers, R2E Campaign, Birzeit University , 17 February 2009 The Right to Education Campaign and the students of Birzeit University would like to commend and express support for students worldwide who have taken a principled stance against the ferocious Israeli bombardment of the Gaza strip for 22 days between December 2008 and January 2009. […]

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  • Edinburgh University Student Occupation Wins Demands

    PULSE The times they are a-changing. Following is a press release from the Edinburgh University Student Occupation for Gaza. We at PULSE and Strathclyde University congratulate the Edinburgh students on their victory. At 8:45 on the morning of Monday 16/02/2009 the student occupation of George Square Lecture Theatre will come to an end. We, the […]

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  • Letter on Academic Freedom in Palestine

    Dear President Bollinger, On a number of occasions since becoming president of Columbia University you have expressed your views in public on questions of academic freedom in the Middle East. Yet you have remained silent on the actions by Israel that deny that freedom to Palestinians. These actions include Israel’s continuing blockade of Gaza, the […]

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  • Support Hampshire College SJP

    PULSE Ever since it announced to widespread applause its decision to divest from the Israeli occupation, Hampshire College administration is being hammered by the Israel lobby”s flak machine led by Zionist fanatic Alan Dershowitz (best known for his academic malpractices) who is threatening the institution with withdrawal of funding, unless, Inside Higher Ed reports, “Hampshire […]

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  • Boycott Israel! Boycott Max Brenner!

    Fred Fuentes, Sydney | 14 February 2009 Palestine solidarity activists in Sydney have launched a campaign targeting Max Brenner Chocolates, a 100% Israeli-owned company belonging to the Strauss Group, as part of the growing international boycott Israel movement. The Strauss Group is the second-largest Israeli food and beverage company. On the “corporate responsibility” section of […]

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  • Protesting Israeli government-funded Batsheva Dance Company’s tour of dancing soldiers, February 18th

    Nigel Parry, Monday, February 9th, 2009 PROTEST THE FEBRUARY 18TH BATSHEVA DANCE COMPANY PERFORMANCE AT NORTHROP AUDITORIUM IN THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA! Showtime starts at 7:30 PM Wednesday February 18, 2009. Facebook Event Page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=60709223693 LOCATION Northrop Auditorium, 84 Church St. SE, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis/Dinkytown Event page on the Northrop website: http://www1.umn.edu/umato/dance_2008/index.html#batsheva Be there […]

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