• Store facing bid to boycott Israeli products

    JOSH WINGROVE Globe and Mail Update April 22, 2009 at 12:41 AM EDT One of Canada’s iconic retailers is facing a politically charged debate at its annual general meeting, where it expects a motion to boycott Israeli products will be introduced. Mountain Equipment Co-op, a Canadian outdoor clothing and gear store, allows any member to […]

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  • Palestine and the Cultural Boycott

    April 2009, by Rafeef Ziadah. Since its inception Israel has taken great pains to destroy all signs of Palestinian culture and target Palestinians who chose cultural production as their method of resistance. Edward Said explained “Culture is a way of fighting against extinction and obliteration”, and it is basic to colonial policy to present the […]

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  • London hall cancels Independence Day show over Gaza op

    Reputable theater in UK refuses to host Israeli show celebrating nation’s 61st birthday due to pressure by rights groups following Israeli offensive in Strip London’s Bloomsbury Theatre decided Tuesday to cancel a planned Independence Day show organized by the Zionist Federation of Britain and Ireland. The Bloomsbury was set to host a show celebrating Israel’s […]

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  • Outrage over Israeli It Ain’t Half Hot Mum-style show

    Critics condemn London show featuring Israeli Defence Force dance troupe as ‘ghoulish and retrograde’ * Haroon Siddique * guardian.co.uk, Monday 20 April 2009 09.40 BST An Israeli Defence Force song-and-dance troupe is to perform in London at a show to commemorate the founding of Israel, provoking anger among groups that campaign for the rights of […]

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  • French Court to Hear Israeli Tram Case

    By DAVID GAUTHIER-VILLARS PARIS — Palestinian lobby groups that contest Israel’s authority over East Jerusalem have found they might be helped via an unexpected route: a French court. The court decided to take up the case against French companies contracted by Israel to build a tram line that runs deep into East Jerusalem from West […]

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  • Boycott campaign urges Iran to cut ties with settlement-linked companies

    Date: 21 / 04 / 2009 Time: 14:07 Bethlehem – Ma”an – Palestinian civil society groups called on Tehran to cut ties with two French companies profiting from work in illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank on Tuesday. A day after Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad took center stage as a critic of Israel at […]

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  • BDS: Thinking Outside the PLO Box

    ‘The tragedy of Gaza was not enough to wake the PLO up from its slumber.’ By Samah Sabawi Three months ago, the world stood still for one rare moment of absolute clarity as it grasped the implication of Israel’s imprisonment of a civilian population and its use of aid and medicine as a political bargaining […]

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  • A slander on our movement

    Lichi D’Amelio responds to the charge, sadly made in a left-wing newspaper, that the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement against Israeli apartheid is anti-Semitic. April 8, 2009 “PART OF the deepening pattern of Jew-baiting and anti-Semitism in the middle-class left worldwide.” You might think that such an ugly and provocative statement had to come from […]

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  • International Appeal in Solidarity with Arab Railway Workers in Israel

    The Appeal Support Arab railway workers in Israel in their struggle to keep their jobs! Call on Israel Railways to revise its new policy requiring army service as an employment condition! This policy is clearly discriminatory: it disqualifies Arab workers because Palestinian Arab citizens of Israel are exempt from service in the Israeli army. The […]

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