• Caterpillar CEO Says, “Don’t like CAT’s practices? Then DIVEST.”

    Last week, Caterpillar’s board members faced shareholders, including our allies from Jewish Voice for Peace, the Sisters of Loretto, and Chicagoans Against Apartheid in Palestine. The US Campaign’s National Organizer attended and spoke at the meeting as well, on behalf of shareholder Boston Coalition for Palestinian Rights. Inside the meeting Matan Cohen of Hampshire College […]

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  • Please protest cultural theft from Palestine

    Later this month, the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) will be showcasing artifacts illegally seized by Israel in 1967 after it occupied East Jerusalem. In cooperating with the Israel Antiquities Authority to import and exhibit the Dead Sea Scrolls, the ROM would be in violation of Canada”s obligations under UNESCO legal conventions and protocols, and its […]

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  • Dexia Israel stops financing Israeli settlements

    Author: Martijn Lauwens – campaign “Israel colonises, Dexia finances” The Belgian-French financial group Dexia has announced it will no longer finance Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories through its Israeli branch Dexia Israel. This is the result of a months-long campaign in Belgium, supported by NGO”s, political parties, local authorities, trade unions and other […]

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  • Independent Jewish Voices (Canada) Joins Campaign of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Against Israel

    Media Release June 16, 2009 Ottawa – Independent Jewish Voices (Canada) voted to join the growing international campaign in support of the Palestinian call for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel, at its first Annual General Meeting this past weekend. This decision makes IJV the first national Jewish organization in the world to do […]

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  • Montreal: Israeli Apartheid on Trial

    Bil”in, a Palestinian village in the West Bank, has become an internationally celebrated symbol of Palestinian popular resistance to the ongoing construction of the Israeli apartheid wall and settlements on their land. Since 2005, villagers have led weekly protests, with the active participation from both Israeli and international solidarity activists, in opposition to illegal Israeli […]

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  • Veolia reportedly drops light rail project, but campaign goes on

    Adri Nieuwhof, The Electronic Intifada, 14 June 2009 On 8 June the Israeli daily newspaper Haaretz announced that French transport giant Veolia might abandon the light rail project that will connect Jerusalem with several illegal Israeli settlements built on Palestinian land. Reports also indicate that Veolia wants to pull out of the 30-year contract to […]

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  • Campaigners Urge Caterpillar to Halt Bulldozer Sales to Israel

    Shareholders of the company Caterpillar have rejected an effort by human rights activists to stop the firm from selling bulldozers to Israel to be used to demolish homes in Gaza and the West Bank. At the company”s annual meeting last week, dissident shareholders submitted a resolution calling for a review of Caterpillar sales to militaries […]

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  • Protest at Halton Caterpillar in Portland calling for divestment from Israel

    Despite the rain on Wednesday morning, several intrepid activists picketed outside Halton Cat on Columbia Boulevard in Northeast Portland. The small, but spirited group of protesters held the action in solidarity with the national day of action against Caterpillar, timed to coincide with the company’s annual shareholder meeting. The purpose of the day of action […]

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  • UC Davis students move to cancel study abroad in Israel

    By Yaman UC Davis AggiesUC Davis students have formed the EAP Equality Coalition (EEC), calling upon university administrators to discontinue a recently revived study abroad program in Israel. EAP is the UC sanctioned Education Abroad Program. Addressed to Eric Shroeder, the Summer Abroad faculty director at UC Davis, including Vice Provosts Jean-Xavier Guinard and William […]

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  • EAP Equality Coalition letter to UCD regarding Study Abroad in Israel

    The Education Abroad Program (EAP) Equality Coalition, a group of concerned faculty and students at UC Davis, is today presenting a letter endorsed by 389 signatories to Vice Provost William Lacy requesting that the university discontinue its Summer Program in Israel, opened this year. The letter contains both individual signatures and endorsements from organizations such […]

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