• Israeli officer promotes war crimes at Harvard

    Maryam Monalisa Gharavi and Dr. Anat Matar, The Electronic Intifada, 22 July 2009 On 9 July Harvard University’s Program on Humanitarian Policy and Conflict Research (HPCR) invited Colonel Pnina Sharvit-Baruch, former Israeli military legal adviser, to their online Humanitarian Law and Policy Forum. The stated aim was to bring “objective” discussion to the principle of […]

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  • Israeli Cosmetic Company Is About to Learn It Can’t Cover Up Its Role in the Occupation

    By Nancy Kricorian, AlterNet. Posted July 22, 2009. Ahava is an Israeli profiteer exploiting the natural resources of occupied Palestine to sell its exotic beauty products. CodePink protests AHAVA in Tel Aviv. As the dust settled on the destroyed homes, schools and lives in the aftermath of Israel”s assault on Gaza earlier this year, mainstream […]

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  • Protesters stroll through Brooklyn’s Prospect Park singing for boycott of Motorola

    Brooklyn, NY, July 25 – Fifteen New York human rights advocates strolled through Prospect Park in Brooklyn on Saturday for two and a half hours, singing songs calling on park-goers to boycott communications giant Motorola until it stops providing technology that aids Israel”s army and settlement movement in committing human rights abuses. The protesters carried […]

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  • Ken Loach withdraws from the Melbourne International Film Festival over Israeli funding

    Philippa Hawker, The Age, July 18, 2009 – ENGLISH filmmaker Ken Loach has withdrawn his film Looking for Eric from the Melbourne International Film Festival because the festival receives funding from the Israeli Government. Loach told the festival if it did not reconsider the sponsorship, he would not allow the festival to screen his film. […]

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  • Toronto Palestine Solidarity Activists Protest Dead Sea Scrolls Exhibit

    The Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid and Women in Solidarity with Palestine have launched a protest against the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM), for their exhibition of the looted Dead Sea Scrolls. For past two weeks, they have conduced successful protests (see video, pictures and media coverage below). Friday pickets are ongoing to keep up the pressure […]

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  • International Journalists Union Expels Israel

    21 July 2009 | Posted in Boycott, Palestine The expulsion of an Israeli journalists” union from the International Federation of Journalists is mired in a murky cocktail of politics and money. The Israeli group –– the National Federation of Israel Journalists – was ousted June 7 in a unanimous vote of the international union”s executive […]

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  • Email exchanges between Ken Loach, Paul Laverty, Rebecca O’Brien and the Melbourne Film Festival organizers

    PULSE Exclusive As you may have heard by now, British film legend Ken Loach has pulled out of the Melbourne Film Festival because the organizers” refusal to observe the cultural boycott of Israel. Following is an exchange of letters that took place between Loach, long-time co-writer Paul Laverty, co-producer Rebecca O”Brien and Richard Moore, the […]

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  • Norway examines the ethics of its Israel investments

    [Amira Hass, Haaretz] – Norway is reexamining its investments in several Israeli companies, in particular Elbit Systems. Two representatives of the Council on Ethics of the Norwegian finance ministry visited Israel at the beginning of June, in the wake of growing criticism of Israel in Norway in the months following last winter’s Israeli offensive in […]

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  • Boycott Elbit Systems!

    Elbit Systems is one of the largest Israeli security and defense firms, specializing in military electronics, surveillance systems, UAVs and homeland security systems. The company provides both UAVs and other military technology for Occupation forces as well as security systems for the Wall and settlements. Like all Israeli firms operating in the military technology sector, […]

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  • Britain revokes arms licences for Israeli navy guns

    Exports of spare parts halted in response to Gaza Strip attacks in December-January * Ian Black, Middle East Editor * guardian.co.uk, Monday 13 July 2009 17.54 BST Britain has revoked export licences for weapons on Israeli navy missile boats because of their use during the offensive against the Gaza Strip. The licences apparently covered spare […]

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