• Oxford City Council calls for boycott

    Oxford City council called for a boycott of Israeli products following Israel”s assault on Gaza. In an unprecedented move, the Council passed a motion, which as well as condemning the loss of civilian life in Gaza, called for individuals to boycott products made by Israel. [vodpod id=ExternalVideo.866380&w=425&h=350&fv=clip_id%3D4750791%26server%3Dvimeo.com%26autoplay%3D0%26fullscreen%3D1%26md5%3D0%26show_portrait%3D0%26show_title%3D0%26show_byline%3D0%26context%3Duser%3A1785495%26context_id%3D%26force_embed%3D0%26multimoog%3D%26color%3D00ADEF%26force_info%3Dundefined] more about "Oxford City Council calls for boycott […]

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  • John Greyson withdraws his film “Greyzone” from Toronto Film Festival following the BDS Call

    Filmaker John Greyson has written this principled letter explaining the reasons to withdraw his film “Greyzone” from the Toronto International Film Festival. Piers Handling, Cameron Bailey, Noah Cowan Toronto International Film Festival 2 Carlton St., 13th floor Toronto Canada M5B 1J3 Dear Piers, Cameron, Noah: I’ve come to a very difficult decision — I’m withdrawing […]

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  • Filmmakers protest uncritical view of Tel Aviv at Toronto film festival

    By Tahel Frosh Several Canadian filmmakers plan to withdraw their movies from next month’s Toronto International Film Festival to protest a weeklong cinematic homage to Tel Aviv. They claim that the screenings will show Israel in a positive light instead of creating a critical forum in which to discuss the occupation. The Tel Aviv-centric week […]

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  • The Palestinian National Committee for the BDS Campaign sends an open letter to Rafael Correa, President of Ecuador

    President Rafael Correa, On behalf of the Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC), which is drawn from the major Palestinian political and social forces and tasked to promote the Palestinian Unified Call for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions, we would like to express our deep concern regarding the statement by Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor […]

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  • The Israeli national basketball team is boycotted and not wellcomed in Zaragoza, Spain.

    On august 26th, ASSI, organized in the framework of the global BDS call a Boycott activity against the presence of the Israeli National basket Team in Zaragoza, Spain. Several dozens of activists gathered together in the entrances of Prince Felipe Pavillion and handed out leaflets and flyers explaining the Boycott calls regarding the presence of […]

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  • Boycott Israel?

    Roane Carey | The Nation Mention boycott in a discussion of Israel, and chances are you’ll find yourself the butt of vicious attacks. Israeli professor Neve Gordon elicited just such denunciations when he published an op-ed in the Los Angeles Times last Thursday in support of the growing boycott, divestment and sanctions movement, or BDS […]

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  • Israeli academics must pay price to end occupation

    By Anat Matar Several days ago Dr. Neve Gordon of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev published an opinion piece in the Los Angeles Times. In that article he explained why, after years of activity in the peace camp here, he has decided to pin his hopes on applying external pressure on Israel – including sanctions, […]

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  • The last refuge

    By Gideon Levy The timing of the mini-maelstrom over an opinion piece in the Los Angeles Times by Neve Gordon, who teaches politics and government at Be’er Sheva’s Ben-Gurion University, calling for a boycott of Israel, was somewhat grotesque. Hardly have the throats dried of those calling for his dismissal, for his citizenship to be […]

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  • Curators pull out of Tel Aviv art biennial over Gaza war protest

    By Liora Kaplan Two international curators who were to participate in the planning of ArtTLV, an art biennial taking place in Israel in September, have pulled out of the project after their Israeli counterparts refused to publish articles condemning Israel’s Operation Cast Lead in Gaza and to arrange a symposium on art and war. The […]

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  • TIFF Celebrating Israeli colonialism, ethnic cleansing and apartheid! City-to-City Spotlight on Tel Aviv at the Toronto International Film Festival

    Occupied Ramallah, 27 August 2009 The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) is gravely concerned that the Toronto International Film Festival 2009 (TIFF) has decided to spotlight Tel Aviv for its inaugural City-to-City program. We encourage filmmakers and audiences to boycott the Spotlight as it extends a gesture of “goodwill” […]

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