• Answering critics of the boycott movement

    Sami Hermez, The Electronic Intifada, 1 October 2009 Over the last three years, the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel has been gaining stride. Individuals around the world have been joining this call, from organizing actions in supermarkets in France and Great Britain protesting Israeli products made in settlements, to filmmakers withdrawing movies […]

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  • Bilbao Cooperation Council Adopts BDS

    Bilbao, September 18, 2009 – The Municipal Council for Cooperation of Bilbao has joined the Campaign BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) on the State of Israel, which undertakes not to cooperate with the policy of apartheid in Palestine and the illegal occupation in their territories. This decision was taken at the regular plenary session held […]

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  • Boycott KKL

    Paris, 26 septembre 2009. ACTION contre la présence de l’organisation KKL, une organisation israélienne, au salon “Planí¨te mode d’emploi”. Une action dans le cadre de la campagne BDS (Boycott, Désinvestissement, Sanctions).

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  • Boycotts Go Back to School!

    This fall, as college students return to campus, the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, in partnership with Hampshire College Students for Justice in Palestine, is organizing a five-city boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) tour across the country. Ever since the dynamic student organizers at Hampshire got their university to divest from corporations supporting […]

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  • Egypt media group agrees on massive Israel boycott

    By Jack Khoury, Haaretz Correspondent The London-based Arabic-language daily A Sharq al Awsat reported Monday that the board of directors of the powerful Egyptian media group Al-Ahram had decided to boycott Israel and Israelis of all positions. The Al-Ahram group is considered the most powerful media body in Egypt. Al-Ahram publishes newspapers considered to be […]

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  • BDS Soldiarity in Catalan and Spanish

    I am writing you on the behalf of the Commission of Catalan Universities for Palestine (CUNCAP). CUNCAP has been created on February 2009 in Barcelona with the aim to promote the academical boycott from the Catalan universities and research institutions. We follow the Palestinian international call from PACBI The core working group is formed by […]

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  • CODEPINK Women for Peace & the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement

    The Israeli assault on Gaza at the end of December 2008 and into January 2009 was a tipping point for many with regard to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. For CODEPINK it no longer felt possible to sit on the sidelines and do nothing while white phosphorous bombs rained down on the people of Gaza – bombs […]

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  • Apartheid is the Root of Israel’s Aggressions

    Submitted by Glen Ford on Tue, 09/22/2009 – 12:17 Israel reacted with typical feigned outrage at the United Nations report on war crimes and human rights violations committed by its forces in Gaza, last winter. The Jewish state’s serial violations of international law are rooted in the barbarism of its governing principle, apartheid, which leads […]

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  • The cowardice, the vanity, the sin of boycotting Israel

    By Bradley Burston Live in this tainted Holy Land long enough, and you come to learn that there are two kinds of political activists, much as there are two kinds of artists. The first kind, the kind who changes the world, points to something that has yet to have been seen, something that seriously needs […]

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  • Spain expels Israeli scientists from solar energy competition

    September 25, 2009, (Pal Telegraph)- Spain has expelled a group of Israeli scientists from a state-funded solar energy competition because they are based in occupied areas of the West Bank, it said today. The decision to expel the team from the Ariel University Centre of Samaria from Solar Decathlon Europe, an international competition involving 20 […]

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