• UW must divest from Caterpillar

    By Sam Stevenson Tuesday, October 13, 2009 10:59 p.m The Badger-Herald University of Wisconsin-Madison Israel is a criminal nation. This statement has been a verifiable fact for many decades and continues to gain support with each new violation of international law Israel commits. Most recently, a U.N. report authored by Richard Goldstone – a South […]

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  • BDS – Yes We Can

    By Britain Eakin for MIFTAH I have been struggling since I arrived in Palestine to find hope here, particularly in light of the recent Goldstone debacle. However, on October 9, 2009 something happened that set a process into motion whereby a spark of hope was reignited within me. As I made myself a cup of […]

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  • Looking for Eric / Haifa Film Festival and Welcome Redistribution of Wealth.

    It is not often we hear of bosses voluntarily sharing profits, so it was with some delight we heard the good news that the Chief Executive, Nurit Shani, of Lev Cinemas and Films in Israel will use the profits from our film Looking for Eric to benefit Israeli film makers. We hope this new found […]

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  • Dump Israel Bonds

    Letter Sent to the CT AFL-CIO September 5, 2009 To the Connecticut AFL-CIO Executive Board and AFL-CIO Convention: We are a group of CT unionists, workers, community leaders and concerned citizens who are distressed that the Connecticut AFL-CIO continues to own $25,000 worth of Israel bonds. The government of Israel is notorious worldwide for its […]

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  • FIFA urged to give the red card to Israel

    Press release, various undersigned, 13 October 2009 The following press release was issued on 7 October 2009: FIFA’s declared mission to use football to bring about “a better world” requires that clear signals be given to the apartheid state, Israel. The undersigned organizations call on FIFA to tell Israel it is off-side and to show […]

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  • Say NO to Leviev & Imprisonment of Palestinian Activists

    Join the New York Campaign for the Boycott of Israel (NYCBI) and Adalah-NY: The Coalition for Justice in the Middle East for a protest at the Leviev store. Stand with the villages of Jayyous & Bil’in to say no to Leviev’s settlements and Israel”s imprisonment of Palestinian boycott activists. Saturday October 17th, 1- 3 PM […]

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  • Boycott Settlement Goods Protest

    [vodpod id=ExternalVideo.882480&w=425&h=350&fv=thumbUrl%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fi2.crtcdn.net%2Fimages%2Fasset%2F900%2F261%2F11%2FU11176_400x300.jpg%26assetUrl%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fv.crtcdn.net%2Fvids%2Fasset%2F900%2F261%2F11%2FU11176.flv%26serviceUrl%3D%2Fproxy%2Findex.php%2Fcccp%2Fbroxy.htm%26locale%3Den_US%26autoplay%3Dfalse%26hostname%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fcurrent.com%26frontController%3D%26trackingBucket%3Dcurtvcurrentcomprod%26w%3D560%26h%3D374%26vw%3D560%26vh%3D374%26permalink%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fcurrent.com%2Fitems%2F91154940_boycott-settlement-goods-protest.htm%26contentId%3D91154940%26externalContext%3Dcdc%26context%3Ditem%26adKeywords%3Dnews%7Cvc2%7CVC2+Top+Contenders+US%7Cpolitics%7CIsrael%26adPlacements%3DRight%26referer%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fcurrent.com%2Fitems%2F91154940_boycott-settlement-goods-protest.htm%26contentTitle%3DBoycott+Settlement+Goods+Protest%26addedByUser%3Dfilkaler] more about "Boycott Settlement Goods Protest", posted with vodpod On 11th October 2009, activists protested inside Sainsbury”s on Cromwell Street, West London to highlight the sale of Israeli and illegal Settlement produce by both Sainsbury”s and other major supermarket chains across the UK.

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  • Join the first global BDS Marathon! – October 16/17 2009

    What”s the BDS Marathon? – Two days of non-stop BDS activities around the globe! Save your time slot now! Participation is simple: 1) Organize an event activity during Friday and Saturday 16/17 October 2009 and let us know at: freemohammad [at] stopthewall.org 2) Stop the Wall will publish a time table with all planned activities. […]

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  • Yes to Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Against Israel: An Answer to Uri Avnery

    Michael Warschawski [Alternative Information Center] 8 October 2009 – The call for BDS–Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions–has finally reached Israeli public opinion. The decision of Norway to divest from Israeli corporations involved in settlement building made the difference, and provided the first big success to that important campaign. After having ignored the BDS campaign for several years, […]

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  • Volvo providing armored buses for Israeli settlements

    Adri Nieuwhof, The Electronic Intifada, 7 October 2009 Following reports published by The Electronic Intifada on the use of Volvo equipment in the demolition of Palestinian houses in 2007, the Volvo Group stated that it did not condone the use of its equipment for such purposes. Claiming to have no control over the use of […]

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