• The global civil campaign against Israeli apartheid gathers momentum

    Friday, 20 November 2009 | Dr Hanan Chehata The situation in Gaza and the Occupied Palestinian Territories is worsening every day. In blatant disregard of international law, illegal settlements continue to spring up on confiscated Palestinian land. Palestinian houses are demolished, sometimes bizarrely at the hands of their Palestinian owners under the threat that if […]

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  • Report-back: Omar Barghouti at SFSU

    Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) has been gaining ground and achieving a number of successes recently… but the US is lagging behind. That was the message of Omar Barghouti”s frank and motivational talk at San Francisco State University (SFSU). Those of us at BACEIA were very excited to co-sponsor his talk on November 3rd as […]

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  • Mohammad Othman’s administrative detention is a sign BDS is working

    by Adam Horowitz on November 24, 2009 Mohammad Othman, the BDS campaigner who was detained by Israel upon returning from a speaking tour in Norway, was given three months administrative detention yesterday in an Israeli military court. Othman had been held 63 days without charge before the court agreed to the prosecution”s request for administrative […]

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  • Palestinian boycott calls won’t hinder Jerusalem light rail construction

    By ABE SELIG Despite recent calls by Palestinian Authority officials to boycott two French companies working on Jerusalem’s much-anticipated light rail system, the local spokesman for one of those companies – Alstom – told The Jerusalem Post on Sunday that the light rail work was moving ahead as scheduled, and that political considerations would not […]

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  • Veolia and Alstom continue to abet Israel’s rights violations

    Adri Nieuwhof, The Electronic Intifada, 24 November 2009 Despite mounting pressure to withdraw from the light rail project in Jerusalem designed to serve the needs of Israel’s illegal settlements, the French transportation giant Veolia is set to be highly involved in the project for the next five years. The company needs to support its new […]

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  • Motorola Droid Wins Most Ironic: New Droid commercial involves bombing farms, fishing boats

    Well, the [tragic] irony has hit the fan. In a surreal move reminiscent of the Israeli cell phone company Cellcom’s ad depicting the apartheid wall, the latest commercial for Motorola’s new ‘Droid’ phone literally depicts a squadron of Stealth bombers delivering Droids like bombs onto unsuspecting farmers, motorists, and fishing boats. It’s been a few […]

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  • Yes! San Francisco Jewish Federation does drive more into arms of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions

    As we wrote earlier, the board of San Francisco”s Jewish Federation was set to vote on an odious McCarthyite resolution presented by a splinter group of right-wing Federation critics: The S.F. Jewish Federation will not support events or organizations that demonize or defame Israel. Nor will it support organizations that partner in their events with […]

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  • Palestinian students cross barriers to discuss boycott

    Bianca Zammit, The Electronic Intifada, 23 November 2009 The right of Palestinian students to an education was the main theme of a video conference between students from the occupied Gaza Strip and the West Bank on 12 November 2009, sponsored by the al-Quds Bank for Culture and Information Society and Bethlehem University. The conference was […]

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  • Ali Abunimah: Campus BDS Conference keynote speaker

    Ali Abunimah, co-founder of Electronic Intifada and author of One Country: A Bold Proposal to End the Israeli-Palestinian Impasse delivers the keynote address at the 2009 Campus BDS Conference at Hampshire College in Amherst, MA.

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  • French Union CNT Joins BDS Campaign

    French Union CNT Joins BDS Campaign Confederation Nationale du Travail joins BDS campaign – press release November 2009 – Through the intermediary of its international Secretary, the National Work Confederation (Confederation Nationale du Travail or CNT), a French anti-capitalist internationalist union involved in social class struggles, has joined the campaign labeled “Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions […]

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