• Update on AFPS court case against Véolia and Alstom

    After the Tribunal de Grande Instance de Nanterre (High Court of Nanterre) has declared that it has jurisdiction to hear the legal claim brought by AFPS against Véolia transport, Alstom and Alstom transport regarding the construction and operation of a light railway in East Jerusalem, Alstom and Alstom transport contest this decision in front of […]

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  • The Case Against Ahava Dead Sea Laboratories

    Nancy Kricorian, 1 December 2009 Ahava Dead Sea Laboratories (www.ahava.co.il) is a privately held Israeli cosmetics company that manufactures products using minerals and mud from the Dead Sea. The company”s main factory and its visitors” center are located in the Israeli settlement of Mitzpe Shalem in the Occupied West Bank. (All Israeli settlements in the […]

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  • Catalan Activists Launch New Report on Israeli Apartheid and BDS

    Nova and the catalan coordination committee working for a just and sustainable peace in the Middle East with “Palestine at heart” have launched a report titled “Apartheid against the Palestinian People” in English, Spanish and Catalan. You can download the report at: http://noviolencia.nova.cat/en/news/there-crime-apartheid-against-palestinian-people The aim of this report is, from outside, without any preconceived side-taking […]

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  • Boycott of Ahava Dead Sea products makes an impact

    Adri Nieuwhof, The Electronic Intifada, 2 December 2009 The international campaign to boycott Ahava beauty products has recently won the support of a Dutch parliamentarian and an Israeli peace group. During the past few months, activists in Canada, the UK, Ireland, Israel, the United States and the Netherlands have campaigned against the sale of Ahava […]

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  • STUC to ask Celtic fans to show Palestinian flags in solidarity with suffering Palestinians on December 2nd

    November 27th 2009 Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC) Deputy General Secretary Dave Moxham said: “This December marks the one year anniversary of the Israeli invasion of Gaza in which 1400 men, women and children were killed in an act described by the United Nations as “indicating serious violations of international human rights” and “amounting to […]

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  • Bathrobes Brigade Boycott Ahava

    Bathrobes Brigade protests against Ahava’s stolen beauty products. Ahava products are made in an Israeli settlement in occupied Palestine. The products are sold as ‘made in Israel’. Read more on www.stolenbeauty.org or http://mooiniet.wordpress.com (in Dutch).

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  • Montreal: Carrying Forward the Momentum Against Israeli Apartheid

    Announcing a Quebec and Canada-wide BDS conference Montreal, October 15th-17th 2010 endorsed by the Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions Campaign National Committee (BNC) of Palestine Since 2005″s historic call from Palestine for a comprehensive, international movement for Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israeli apartheid, we have seen many important victories for this movement in both […]

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  • Like Jim Crow and South Africa before it, Israel must be pressured to abandon apartheid

    by Bill Fletcher Jr. on December 1, 2009 The following speech was given on November 30, 2009 at the United Nations as part of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People: Mr. Chairman, Mr. Secretary-General, Mr. President, Excellencies: Let me begin by expressing my appreciation to the Committee on the Exercise of the […]

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  • A Statement* by the Palestine General Federation of Trade Unions (PGFTU) and the Palestinian Trade Union Blocs and Frameworks

    25 November 2009 Based on the national and trade union position, which PGFTU has always been a part of, representing the unified national and trade union framework for all Palestinian trade union and labor blocs and frameworks, PGFTU with all its organizations, branches and member trade unions stresses its advanced historic and national role in […]

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  • BNC Warmly Welcomes PGFTU’s Statement Confirming Unambiguous Endorsement of BDS

    [Press Release: 1 December 2009] The Palestinian BDS National Committee, BNC, warmly welcomes the statement issued on 25 November 2009 by the Palestine General Federation of Trade Unions (PGFTU) — signed by its Secretary General, Mr. Shaher Sa’ad, and its Executive Committee, and endorsed by all the main Palestinian trade union blocs that are represented […]

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