• VEOLIA: Letter handed in to Veolia HQ in London – Asking them to stop supporting War Crimes in Palestine

    The letter below was handed in to the Veolia Environment Headquarters, in Islington London, on Thursday 3rd December by dozens of PSC members and supporters of Palestinian rights. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Chairpersons and Chief Executive Officers Veolia Environmental Services UK, Veolia Transport UK, Veolia Water UK 3 December 2009 Veolia is aiding and abetting Israeli war […]

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  • Hang Up On Motorola – Drop the Droid

    “Drop the Droid”: Our Spoof of Motorola Droid commercial is just like the real one, only….more real Remember the totally surreal commercial for Motorola’s new ‘Droid’ phone that we posted about a little while ago? You know, the one showing Stealth bombers rocketing unsuspecting motorists, farmers, and fisherman with new phone technology, just like actual […]

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  • Abunimah: There is a tremendous struggle to be waged, to force Israeli introspection, and change

    by Ali Abunimah on December 4, 2009 Nearly two weeks ago we reported on the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions conference at Hampshire College in Massachusetts, the highlight of which was a speech by Ali Abunimah. We posted video, and kept promising to get a transcript up. What follows is text of the body of Abunimah”s […]

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  • Informe Crim d’Apartheid contra el poble Palestí­

    ACSUR-LAS SEGOVIAS i la coordinadora d”entitats Amb Palestina al Cor presenten l”informe “Apartheid contra el poble Palestí­” realitzat per la jurista Luciana Coconi, sota la direcció del Professor de Dret Internacional Públic i Relacions Internacionals de la Universitat de Barcelona, David Bondí­a. Aquest informe pretén, des de la distí ncia i sense cap presa de partit […]

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  • Met Zwarte Piet in Amsterdam (aka more from the Boycott Ahava Dutch Bathrobes Brigade in Amsterdam

    Tijdens de natte dagen voor de verjaardag van de Sint gingen de meiden van de Badjassenbrigade vanavond weer met Zwarte Piet de straat op. Dit keer trokken zij zingend door de winkelstraten van Amsterdam. Met een in het roze gestoken Zwarte Piet en nieuwe liedjes op het repertoire ontlokten zij veel positieve reacties.

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  • Israel privatises the occupation

    The Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories has become a corporate grab of land and labour, with any claimed security, political or religious justifications nothing more than a smokescreen for profiteering. Penny Cole reports for A World to Win Palestinians face a “deadly political paradox”, explains Salwa Alenat of Kav LaOved (Workers” Hotline) at a meeting […]

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  • Columbia Sportswear agrees to “˜immediately and permanently discontinue’ ad campaign marketing to settlers

    by Adam Horowitz on December 3, 2009 Last week we posted a Columbia Sportwear marketing campaign directed at Israeli settlers. Peter Miller, a member of the Portland-based organization Americans United for Palestinian Human Rights, took it upon himself to contact Columbia to voice his displeasure. To his surprise, Columbia responded the next day and announced […]

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  • Why Boycotting Apartheid Israel Matters

    Owen Holland makes the case for the boycott of Israel Back at the beginning of the year, over thirty UK universities went into occupation in response to Israel”s brutal, unremitting assault on Gaza. At some of these universities, the movement is now beginning to crystallise and gather enough strength – as well as political will […]

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  • Tell the Department of Energy to sanction, not award, Motorola Israel

    Stop your tax dollars from subsidizing Motorola Israel! Last week, the U.S. Department of Energy announced that it will award $900,000 to Motorola Israel and SmartSynch for a joint project to develop an energy grid management system. The Department of Energy should not be rewarding Motorola Israel with this contract; instead it should be sanctioning […]

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  • Boycott Israel, Buycott Palestine

    Promoting Palestinian Goods Fair Trade Palestinian Olive Oil importers in Ireland – Mount of Olives Other online stores: http://www.palestineonlinestore.com/ http:// www.jerusalem-gate.com/ http:// www.palestinianfairtrade.ps Other Palestinian Suppliers: Spices, legumes, dried fruits, olive oil: Alnaser Food Products Company Based in Jenin Tel: +970 4 2453485 E-mail: naser[at]alnaser.ps www.alnaser.ps Non-pork cold meats: Al-Morouj Animal Feed Co., Ltd Mohammad […]

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