• London rally targets UK supplier of Israeli arms

    Tue, 19 Jan 2010 03:24:52 GMT Demonstrators rally in southern England to protest against a British company that provided Israel with arms during its 2009 onslaught in Gaza. Protesters in Brighton surrounded the EDO MBM factory, a subsidiary of the American multi-national ITT corporation that supplies essential parts for the Israeli air force, marking the […]

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  • Pakistanis for Palestine

    A Pakistani campaign of solidarity with the Palestinian people has just been launched in Lahore. As its first action of solidarity, the campaign calls on Pakistani academics and cultural workers–artists, poets, writers, singers and filmmakers–to join the growing Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel that is spreading around the world. We are focusing initially […]

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  • The Carlos Santana “Concert of Shame”

    LA VOZ DE AZTLAN Los Angeles, Alta California January 10, 2010 The Zionist daily newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth reported that Israeli producer Shuki Weiss has booked the world famous Mexican born rock musician and guitarist Carlos Santana to perform at the Blumfield Stadium in Jaffa, Israel this coming June. Carlos Santana was born in Autlán de […]

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  • Objects of Desire: Israeli diamonds are forever … on your conscience.

    * Sean Clinton * 11 Jan 2010 In recent years the romantic image of diamonds as objects of desire has been tarnished by bloody conflicts in central Africa that are often funded by the trade of locally mined gems. Human rights organizations have begun a campaign against “conflict diamonds,” or “blood diamonds,” and the ensuing […]

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  • Boycott Israeli Diamonds

    An Israeli Blood Diamond is forever…on your conscience The Israeli diamond industry is one of the main arteries sustaining the Zionist military occupation of Palestine and subjugation of the Palestinian people. In 2005 the Israeli diamond industry accounted for 30% of Israel”s total manufacturing output. Israel is the world”s No.1 exporter of cut and polished […]

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  • Don’t be Complicit in Israel’s Apartheid: Boycott the 2010 Tel Aviv International Student Film Festival

    17 January 2010 – The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) and the Palestinian Students” Campaign for the Academic Boycott of Israel (PSCABI) call on students, lecturers and film-makers to boycott the 13th International Student Film Festival, scheduled for June 2010 in the city of Tel Aviv. PACBI and PSCABI […]

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  • Filmmaker Ken Loach urges cultural boycott of Israel

    January 15, 2010 (Press TV) – The acclaimed British director and winner of Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival, Ken Loach, has called for the boycott of Israeli movies at the international film festivals and cultural events. “The massacres and state terrorism in Gaza make the showcasing of Israeli films in various sections of […]

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  • Victory! Release of Jamal Juma’ and Mohammad Othman demonstrates importance of international grassroots pressure

    You have probably heard by now that Jamal Juma’ and Mohammad Othman, leaders of the Palestinian grassroots struggle against Israeli occupation and apartheid and proponents of boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS), have been released from their imprisonment-without-charge in Israeli jail. Their freedom is a huge victory for the grassroots struggle for Palestinian self-determination and equality. […]

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  • The Sixth Annual Israeli Apartheid Week 2010

    [vodpod id=Groupvideo.4464903&w=425&h=350&fv=config%3D%7B] more about "The Sixth Annual Israeli Apartheid We…", posted with vodpod Israeli Apartheid Week 2010 Poster Competition We are proud to announce the first international Israeli Apartheid Week poster competition. First launched in Toronto in 2005, Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) has grown to become one of the most important global events in the […]

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  • For Israel, a reckoning

    John Pilger Published 14 January 2010 A new global movement is challenging Israel’s violations of international law with the same strategies that were used against apartheid The farce of the climate summit in Copenhagen affirmed a world war waged by the rich against most of humanity. It also illuminated a resistance growing perhaps as never […]

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