• Israel Gets More Comfortable with Status Quo

    By Tony Karon Monday, Feb. 15, 2010 “If, and as long as between the Jordan (River) and the [Mediterranean] Sea there is only one political entity, named Israel, it will end up being either non-Jewish or nondemocratic,” warned Israel’s Defense Minister Ehud Barak last week. “If the Palestinians vote in elections it is a binational […]

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  • Activists protest outside Starbucks over ‘links to Israel’

    BEIRUT: Young activists protested in the streets of Hamra, Beirut, Wednesday evening against Starbucks, a coffee shop they claim is supportive of Israel and Zionists. The protesters gathered in front of the coffee shop and raised Palestinian flags and banners condemning Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz. They called for boycotting US products because they were linked […]

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  • Leviev Apartheid Diamonds Commercial

    “A Diamond is Forever” but Apartheid Has To End: Adalah-NY Protesting Israeli settlement builder Lev Leviev on February 13th, 2010 at his New York diamond store for Valentine’s Day. This is a parody of a diamond commercial highlighting Leviev’s human rights abuses in Palestine.

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  • Single BDS Ladies

    Palestine solidarity activists in New York turn Beyonce’s “Single Ladies” into “Single BDS Ladies” to protest Lev Leviev’s involvement with illegal settlements in occupied Palestine.

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  • Breaking the Law of Return

    We are Jews from the United States, who, like Jewish people throughout the world, have an automatic right to Israeli citizenship under Israel’s “law of return.” Today there are more than seven million Palestinian refugees around the world. Israel denies their right to return to their homes and land–a right recognized and undisputed by UN […]

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  • Valentijnsactie in Rotterdam

    Op 13 februari deden vele Rotterdammers hun valentijnsinkopen. Zes dames van de badjassenbigade informeerden hen over welk cadeautje zij in elk geval niet voor hun geliefde moesten aanschaffen: schoonheidsproducten van Ahava. Met grote gebroken harten in de hand maakten wij voorbijgangers duidelijk dat de producten van Ahava niets met liefde te maken hebben. Zij worden […]

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  • Israeli Apartheid Week 2010 trailer and action resources

    Friday, February 12, 2010 Check out the trailer for Israeli Apartheid Week 2010, and find out how you can get involved with this and other March Month of Action activities by clicking here.

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  • Nora Barrows-Friedman interview with Dalit Baum of Who Profits?

    Listen to Flashpoints’ Nora Barrows-Friedman’s interview with Dalit Baum of Who Profits? on investigating corporations that continue to finance the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestine. Download MP3 file here.

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  • Protesters Declare “A Diamond is Forever, but Apartheid Has to End” on Valentine’s Day

    MEDIA CONTACT: info[at]adalahny.org FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE New York, NY, February 13, 2010 – Fifty human rights activists performed for Valentine’s Day shoppers compelling them to boycott the Israeli diamond and settlement mogul Lev Leviev outside his store on Madison Avenue. The New York protest took place against the backdrop of an escalating arrest and harassment […]

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  • Is Israel Arresting Prominent Boycott Leaders?

    By Benjamin Joffe-Walt, The Media Line, 8 October 2009 Palestinians claim detainee is the first political prisoner arrested solely for promoting a boycott of Israel. Israel has extended the detention of a West Bank campaigner said by activist groups to be the first Palestinian to be imprisoned solely for advocacy of international boycotts against Israel. […]

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