• Margaret Atwood, Say NO to Prizes from the Israeli Apartheid!

    OPEN LETTER March 30, 2010 Dear Margaret Atwood, We are Israeli citizens and residents, Jews and Palestinians, who are committed to the Palestinian struggle for justice and freedom. We heard with dismay that you are set to attend this spring an apartheid-complicit[1] Tel Aviv University’s symposium, where you are to receive a prize. We urge […]

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  • BOYCOTT! supports Sarah Schulman’s boycott of Israeli Universities

    OPEN LETTER March 30, 2010 Dear Sarah Schulman, We at BOYCOTT![1] would like to praise you for your important decision to boycott state-run and apartheid-complicit Tel-Aviv University[2] and Ben Gurion University of the Negev[3], who invited you to their “Sex Acher 10” conference in Israel this year. By engaging in the academic institutional boycott of […]

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  • Italy, 1st public appearance of the Fano BDS Coalition – Vigil for International BDS Day

    In Fano (Marches region, central Italy), a coalition of associations and individuals has been set up to join the international boycott campaign. This campaign asks everyone to stop helping the Israeli war economy by means of a small, but conscious gesture: not buying goods that serve to support the war. —- On the occasion of […]

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  • Report Back: Fantastic Toronto Flash mob for BDS Day of Action!

    On March 30, 2010 the Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid (CAIA) marked the Global Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Day of Action with flash mob protests at Chapters Indigo and Mountain Equipment Coop (MEC): http://www.youtube.com/user/NoApartheid#p/a/u/0/MsYS2iLHhHg BDS Day of Action In 2005, over 170 Palestinian civil society organizations called on people of conscience around the world to […]

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  • MPs call for review of arms exports after Israeli assault on Gaza

    Components from UK ‘almost certainly’ used in Operation Cast Lead Richard Norton-Taylor The Guardian, Tuesday 30 March 2010 A cross-party group of MPs will call today for a review of the way arms sales are approved after the government admitted British equipment was “almost certainly” used in the assault on Gaza last year. “It is […]

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  • Montreal Israeli Apartheid Week 2010

    6th Annual Israeli Apartheid Week summary On behalf of the organizing committee of Israeli Apartheid Week, we would like to thank everyone who attended or supported IAW 2010. This year”s week, the 6th annual edition, was a huge success!?? Panelists and presenters at IAW touched on many important themes throughout the week, such as recent […]

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  • What the Reut Institute really wants: NOT one person-one vote

    Posted on March 29 2010 by Cecilie Surasky A week after his visit to AIPAC, I am left wondering if it is possible for anyone other than Bibi Netanyahu to so beautifully embody the notion of “strutting victimization”. And yet, it”s not just Bibi who can taunt Israel”s primary sponsor, the United States, with plans […]

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  • Today is the big day!! Tweet for #BDS

    Actions are taking place around the world to commemorate Land Day with boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel. Send us your live reports, videos and photos to inspire us. There is a twitter trend going on, remember to add the #BDS tag to your twits.

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  • Jerusalem Quartet London concert halted!

    Press release from Brighton and Hove Palestine Solidarity Campaign Monday March 29th FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Protesters disrupted a lunchtime performance by the Jerusalem Quartet in London today. The concert at the Wigmore Hall was being broadcast live by the BBC. They were protesting that the Quartet, who are cultural ambassadors for the State of Israel, […]

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  • Report back from Arlington, VA

    After leaving the Shirlington Busboys and Poets Gaza Report event this morning, Dina, Stephanie and I returned to Natural Body Spa & Shoppe at the Ballston Mall in Arlington, VA to do our Boycott, Divestment and Sanction solidarity action for “Land Day”, the annual day of commemoration for Palestinians. We were joined by Andy (our […]

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