• Belgian bank financing Israeli settlements

    David Cronin, The Electronic Intifada, 13 April 2010 BRUSSELS (IPS) – Dexia, a major Belgian-French bank, is continuing to finance Israeli authorities in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) almost a year after it indicated that it would cease providing loans to illegal settlements. In May 2009, Dexia promised that it would not lend any fresh […]

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  • ICAHD Director Jeff Halper letter endorses Berkeley divestment

    April 11, 2010 Dear ASUC Members, As the head of an Israeli peace and human rights organization, The Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD), I would like to add our voice to those who have urged you to overrule the veto of the Senate President and reaffirm the decision to divest in companies profiting from […]

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  • We can’t work it out: why Israel’s Arab pop idol isn’t coming to Britain

    Claims of death threats and accusations of lies surround rift that put paid to Eurovision star”s visit. By Mark Hughes Monday, 12 April 2010 When she became the first Arab to represent Israel at the Eurovision Song Contest last year, it was inevitable that Mira Awad would stir controversy. Her duet with a Jewish singer […]

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  • Join us for world wide protests on Thursday 15th!

    Despite world wide protest and media coverage H&M proceeds to establish in Israel. The board claims that the decision to establish normal business relations with an occupying power and waring state is not political. This Thursdag H&M opens its third store, this time in Haifa. 50 organisations from 15 countries demand that H&M immediately stops […]

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  • Divesting From Injustice: Desmond Tutu’s Open Letter to the UC Berkeley ASUC Senate

    Dear Student Leaders at the University of California – Berkeley It was with great joy that I learned of your recent 16-4 vote in support of divesting your university’s money from companies that enable and profit from the injustice of the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land and violation of Palestinian human rights. Principled stands like […]

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  • Seattle, Get Ready for a New Cultural Boycott Target

    The Israeli Philharmonic Orchestra will perform in Seattle February of 2011. Time to get organized to intervene in the Seattle Symphony’s complicity with apartheid!

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  • H&M Protest in Barcelona on April 10th

    More info at palestina.cat (in Catalan). Video at BTV (local TV from Barcelona) Video at EuropaPress (news agency)

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  • Attack on Berkeley divestment bill dishonest and misleading

    Sydney Levy and Yaman Salahi, The Electronic Intifada, 12 April 2010 A coalition of nearly 20 Jewish groups, ranging from the right-wing David Project and the Jewish National Fund to the liberal J Street, is distributing a misleading statement condemning a Student Senate bill at the University of California, Berkeley (“Troubling UC Berkeley Student Senate […]

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  • Berkeley’s Response to ASUC Presidential Veto of Divestment Senate Bill 118A

    Response to ASUC Presidential Veto of Senate Bill 118A UC Berkeley Divestment Task Force UCB Students for Justice in Palestine Introduction The following document is a response to ASUC President Will Smelko”s veto[1] of Senate Bill 118A, “A Bill in Support of ASUC Divestment from War Crimes.” SB 118A called on the UC Berkeley student […]

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  • Israel’s shock doctrine

    The organization Israel has been trying to join, the OECD, finds that the zionist entity has the biggest poverty rate in the industrialized world, in part due to the neoliberal policies enacted during Netanyahu”s term as finance minister. Watch out for news about whether the OECD decides to admit the hafrada regime in the coming […]

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