• CARREFOUR, si tu continues…

    Samedi 24 avril, des militants ont manifesté leur solidarité avec Palestiniens emprisonnés en montrant, au sein de Carrefour Montreuil, la réalité de l’occupation israélienne. Le magasin, collabo de l’occupant proposait notamment í  la clientí¨le des avocats “CARMEL”, et des dattes “MEDJOUL”, sans aucune traí§abilité, des jus de fruits “Carrefour”, n’indiquant aucune provenance et les fameuses […]

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  • “Divestment movements are also gaining steam at the University of Arizona, Brown University…and Georgetown University”

    “Cal-Berkeley rallies around divestment vote; other colleges continue BDS movement against Israeli companies” ARAB AMERICAN NEWS (Dearborn, Michigan) April 24-30, 2010 Page 13 “…Divestment movements are also gaining steam at the University of Arizona, Brown University, where noted author Noam Chomsky wrote a letter endorsing Brown Students for Justice in Palestine’s push [for divestment], and […]

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  • World-wide pressure on H&M is intensifying!

    Call for international BOYCOTTS and DIVESTMENTS of H&M In March 2010 H&M opened its first store in Israel shortly after the Goldstone findings of Israeli war crimes in Gaza. The negotiations between H&M Sweden and Match Retail in Israel were announced 9 December 2008 and upgraded on 22 July 2009. The Israeli war on Gaza […]

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  • Ghosh: Do not undermine the Palestinian struggle for freedom!

    PACBI | 25 April 2010 Occupied Ramallah, 25 April 2010 The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) was extremely disappointed by the recent statement you issued in response to pleas from individuals and groups around the world urging you not to associate your name with Israel”s efforts to white-wash its […]

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  • Gil Scott Heron announces cancellation of Tel Aviv concert: Artist won’t play in Israel “until everyone is welcome there”

    Palestine Solidarity Committee’s contribution to the successful campaign below this statement. Gil Scott Heron Boycott Israel Campaign press release Fans of revolutionary poet and singer-songwriter Gil Scott Heron welcomed his decision tonight to cancel the concert he had been scheduled to play in Tel Aviv this May. Heron announced the decision during his set at […]

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  • Obama’s New Path To Mideast Peace?

    David A. Love Philadelphia-based writer and Executive Editor, BlackCommentator.com Posted: April 21, 2010 10:39 AM Sometimes, desperate and difficult circumstances require that we change the game a little bit, shake things up, if you will. If recent reports are true, then President Obama plans to mint his own Mideast peace plan in an attempt to […]

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  • BDS Austin Activism – Ahava Protest

    Codepink, PSC, and ICPR mobilized to engage in a protest at a local ULTA store that is carrying Ahava products; a brand that operates out of the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Supporters of the BDS Movement, Austin activists felt it necessary to have their voices heard in order to not support Israeli Apartheid.

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  • BNC calls on Trade Unions to urgently intervene with their governments to stop Israel from joining the OECD

    Occupied Palestine, 22 April 2010 – In a few days Trade Unions will commemorate the achievements of the labor movement. The origins of the International Worker”s Day date back to the 1886 Chicago protests where police killed several workers marching to demand their rights. Every week, Palestinian human rights defenders march in their villages protesting […]

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  • WAC Maan letter to OECD Trade Union Advisory Committee

    WAC Maan calls on OECD not to accept Israel as a member as long as it does not respect basic labour rights Assaf Adiv, WAC?National Coordinator?WAC Ma”an?Nazareth Israel?Office: ?4-6020680?Mobil: ?50-4330034?E mail: assafa[at]maan.org.il? Web site: www.wac-maan.org.il Dear friends Following is a letter sent recently to the Secretary General of the OECD Trade Union Advisory Committee John […]

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  • BDS is a long term project with radically transformative potential

    by Ahmed Moor on April 22, 2010 I”m grateful to Jerry Haber for taking the time to engage me on the role of “liberal” Zionists in the BDS movement. Sometimes my tone borders on truculence, which is really just impatience. I”m impatient for “liberal” Zionists to discard the “Zionist” and become regular liberals like the […]

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