• Atwood and Amitav Accept Soiled Money

    Yesterday, Canadian author Margaret Atwood and Indian author Amitav Ghosh accepted the one million dollar Dan David Prize, funded by a wealthy Zionist philanthropist. Palestinian civil society urged them not to accept the prize. They did. They crossed the picket line, arguing that novelists and authors have a unique right to cross picket lines under […]

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  • Ghoshwood’s Mendacity

    by Robin Yassin-Kassab and Claire Chambers. Novelists Amitav Ghosh and Margaret Atwood have accepted the Dan David prize at Tel Aviv University, an institution at the heart of Israel”s military-industrial complex. By doing so they have spurned Palestinian civil society”s call for boycott, divestment and sanctions on the Zionist state. Atwood has specifically ignored this […]

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  • A Letter to Elton John: Don’t Play Apartheid Israel

    The following letter was sent recorded delivery to Elton John via the following contacts: Elton John’s Management: Twenty-First Artists, Ltd., 1 Blythe Road, London, W14 OHG – Phone: 44-207-348-4800 Elton John’s Agent: Howard Rose, The Howard Rose Agency, Ltd. – 9460 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 310, Beverly Hills, CA 90212 – Phone: 310-858-3838 Elton John’s Publicist: […]

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  • Open Letter to Margaret Atwood: Reject Tel Aviv University Prize

    Raymond Deane for Salem-News.com Some say Palestine is the ultimate test of honesty. (DUBLIN) – I realise that I am too late to contribute to the messages calling upon you not to accept the Dan David Prize. There is an ironic reason for this: I have admired your fiction, poetry and ethical stance for so […]

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  • Jordan Union To Fight For Boycott

    Tuesday May 11, 2010 10:46 Saed Bannoura – IMEMC & Agencies Report The Professional Associations Complex in Jordan is holding a campaign to ensure that the Jordanian markets do not carry any Israeli products. The campaign, For A Jordan Without Israeli Products, was launched as the Palestinians prepare to mark the 62nd anniversary of the […]

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  • Israel does not yet deserve a place in the OECD

    Israel does not yet deserve a place in the OECD GEORGE BISHARAT May 10, 2010 Australia missed a chance to defend international law and human rights by voting this week to support Israel”s application for membership to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The OECD was founded in 1960 by states practising democracy […]

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  • Press conference for the launching of the Italian Campaign for the Academic & Cultural Boycott of Israel

    Friday, May 7th, 2010 ICACBI organized a press conference in Turin for the launching of the Italian Campaign for the Academic & Cultural Boycott of Israel. Alfredo Tradardi described the objectives and the reasons of the campaign. Gianni Vattimo and Diana Carminati described other details of the campaign. Enrico Contenti underlined the support of Antonino […]

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  • Dear Ms. Atwood, I regret to inform you that you have failed the lie detector test

    By Roger Tucker By going to Israel to accept the Dan David Prize you have chosen to go over to the Dark Side. If you do make the trip, there is no turning back. Please consider well what people who have appreciated your literary work and heretofore took seriously your vaunted support for human rights […]

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  • Major victory for pro-Palestine boycott campaign: Dublin City Council passes anti-Veolia motion

    Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign – Press Release 10th May 2010 Dr David Landy of the IPSC welcomes the vote as a significant development The international Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement today scored a major victory as Dublin City Council passed a resolution calling on the City Manager not to sign or renew any […]

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  • Boycott group: OECD decision shows ‘complicity with war crimes’

    Bethlehem – Ma’an – A Palestinian boycott movement condemned the OECD’s decision to offer Israel membership to the body on Monday, a statement read. The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC), a coalition of Palestinian organizations and trade unions, renounced the move, with a spokesperson commenting that by accepting Israel, “OECD member countries show […]

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