• USACBI Open Letter to Joan Armatrading: Don’t Play Apartheid Israel

    Dear Joan Armatrading, What message will you deliver to the Palestinian people? In April 2000, you sang “The Messenger,” your tribute song to Nelson Mandela, paying homage to the man who would not abide apartheid in his homeland, and devoted his life to ending it. The image of a free Mandela smiling and dancing on […]

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  • Towards Ending our Ongoing Nakba – BNC Statement

    Towards Ending our Ongoing Nakba Statement by the Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC) 17 May 2010 — For sixty-two years, Palestinians have been denied their dignity and fundamental human rights. The creation and “international” acceptance of Israel in 1948 marked the culmination of a new kind of politics in the region that continues to have […]

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  • TAKE ACTION: Protest Los Angeles Israel Conference

    When: The Israel Conferenceâ„¢ is taking place on Thursday June 3, 2010 in Los Angeles. The 2010 conference will bring top executives from Israel-facing companies and investment firms. Israel-facing companies are those that are based in Israel, have operations in Israel, do business with Israeli companies, or invest in Israeli companies. What: The Israel Conferenceâ„¢ […]

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  • How the boycott Israel movement is making progress in Britain

    The global boycott divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel”s apartheid system in Palestine has achieved many victories since it was launched by a broad coalition of Palestinian civil society in 2005. BDS victories seem to have flowed thick and fast in recent times, particularly since Israel”s vicious 2008-2009 assault on the civilian population of […]

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  • Gaza student denied travel to conference

    Published today (updated) 17/05/2010 19:11 Bethlehem – Ma’an – A Palestinian student from Gaza was barred from traveling on Monday to an international conference in the Czech Republic due to the ongoing closure of the coastal enclave’s borders. Rifat Abd Elaal, an engineering student at the Islamic University in Gaza, was due to attend the […]

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  • Boycott successes. Boycott failures.

    May 16, 2010 A mixed bag from Ireland last week. First the good news – Dublin City Council has voted unanimously to boycott Veolia, the company running a tramline through East Jerusalem to connect the illegal settlements to West Jerusalem. This isn”t, mind you, as impressive as it initially sounds – Veolia won”t be stopped […]

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  • BDS Action – alla fiera del Farmaco e dei cosmetici TEVA, LOrí¨al

    CINQUE ATTIVISTI DELLA RETE ROMANA DI SOLIDARIETA CON IL POPOLO PALESTINESE SONO STATI TRATTENUTI IN STATO DI FERMO PER DUE ORE NEL POSTO DI POLIZIA DELLA FIERA DI ROMA 8 maggio nel Padiglione 11 della Fiera di Roma nel quale si tiene la fiera del Farmaco e dei cosmetici – Cosmofarma – í¨ stata stroncata […]

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  • Report: Anti-settlement initiative gains ground

    Published yesterday (updated) 16/05/2010 20:22 Bethlehem – Ma’an – At least 17 businesses in the illegal Israeli settlement of Ma’aleh Adumim have closed down since the start of a Palestinian Authority boycott several months ago, The Washington Post reported Sunday. The East Jerusalem-area settlement’s Mishor Adumim industrial zone is facing “an insufferable situation,” Avi Elkayam, […]

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  • Boycott campaign results clsoure of 17 settlement factories in WB

    West Bank, May 17, (Pal Telegraph) The boycott campaign that calls for boycotting the products of the settlements” factories, adopted by the Palestinians in the West Bank, caused the closure of at least seventeen factories since its start several months ago. For the Israelis, as reported by The Washington Post, Avi Alekiam, which represents owners […]

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  • Israel is encouraging academic boycott by denying entry to Chomsky

    If Israel feels it cannot survive free speech, then it is one step closer to flirting with totalitarianism. By Carlo Strenger Professor Noam Chomsky, the left-wing radical thinker and activist, is regularly voted the most influential public intellectual in the world. He has been highly critical of Israel”s policies for many years, particularly since the […]

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