• Action alert: Sign the petition – Whose classrooms? Censorship, corporate media, and the suppression of academic freedom

    The US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel supports this petition, which comes in response to egregious assault on academic freedom that happened on September 23, 2020, at SFSU. Signing the petition is intended to demonstrate academic solidarity with Palestine, Palestinian feminist narratives, and in the defense of academic freedom. The link […]

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  • #WeStandWithNerdeen: CUNY must respect Palestinian rights

    The US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel expresses its strongest solidarity with Nerdeen Kiswani, Palestinian activist, law student and chair of Within Our Lifetime – United for Palestine. USACBI was honored to host Nerdeen earlier this summer in our webinar series, where her incisive analysis and commitment to justice was an […]

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  • USACBI stands with Prof. Rabab Abdulhadi and Leila Khaled

    The US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (USACBI) declares its unflinching support for San Francisco State University Professor Rabab Abdulhadi, who has come under recent attack for hosting an upcoming webinar discussion with celebrated Palestinian freedom fighter Leila Khaled. The right-wing, Zionist attacks on Prof. Abdulhadi, her advocacy for Arab and […]

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  • Prof. Homi Bhabha withdraws from Israel Sociological Society conference

    The US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel thanks Prof. Homi Bhabha for his principled decision to withdraw from participation in the Israel Sociological Society (ISS) conference, where he had been invited to deliver the keynote address. As he noted in his withdrawal statement, “I have decided that it is not only […]

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  • Sept. 15, Washington, DC: NO to Israel/UAE Normalization. Free Palestine!

    Tuesday, September 15 10 am – 3 pm The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington, DC, US Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2385385028432836/ USACBI is a part of this coalition of almost 50 organizations co-sponsoring this protest in opposition to the US-brokered normalization treaty between the UAE and Israel. There should be NO normalization with occupation and colonization! This […]

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  • Video: BDS, Capitalism, Colonialism and the Climate Crisis – Connecting the Dots

    The U.S. Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (USACBI) organized the third session of its webinar series, “BDS, Capitalism, Colonialism, and the Climate Crisis: Connecting the Dots,” on Wednesday, September 9, 2020. Speakers: Max Ajl (researcher at Wageningen University and author of A People’s Green Deal, forthcoming from Pluto Press) Mazin Qumsiyeh […]

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  • September 9: BDS, Capitalism, Colonialism, and the Climate Crisis: Connecting the Dots

    The U.S. Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (USACBI) will hold the third session of its summer webinar series, “BDS, Capitalism, Colonialism, and the Climate Crisis: Connecting the Dots.” The webinar will take place on Wednesday, September 9 at 8 am Hawai’i time, 11 am Pacific, 2 pm Eastern, 8 pm central […]

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  • USACBI Statement and Announcement of Webinar on Climate Justice for Palestine

    During this time of climate crisis, which is an existential threat to the entire biosphere of the planet, participation in the BDS campaign remains a necessary and urgent endeavor, one that supports both a free Palestine and the global movement for climate justice. For Palestinians, environmental injustice is a key component of the ongoing Nakba. […]

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  • Open letter to progressives: The ADL is not an ally

    The US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel is one of the signatories of this call to progressive organizations and social justice movements to Drop the ADL. 100+ racial, economic, and social justice organizations and coalitions have issued an open letter with an accompanying primer encouraging community institutions and organizations to rethink […]

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  • USACBI joins call for Ohio State University and other institutions to cut ties with Tel Aviv University

    The US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (USACBI) supports the call for Ohio State University and other higher education institutions to cut ties with Tel Aviv University, including ending study abroad and academic exchange programs. USACBI’s campaign to Boycott Study Abroad in Israel advocates for the termination of all such programs […]

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